python - Visually attach Scrollbar to Listbox: TkInter -
i having issue tkinter interface whereby cannot scrollbar visually attach listbox element - see image: problem interface
here code creates , positions listbox & scrollbar:
lblpd3 = ttk.label(mainframe,text='',font=("helvetica", 5)) lblpd3.grid(column=0, row=12, sticky=nw) scltrn = scrollbar(mainframe, orient=vertical) lbltrn = ttk.label(mainframe,text='select transformation',font=("helvetica", 11, "bold")) lbltrn.grid(column=0, row=13, sticky=nw) self.lsttrn = listbox(mainframe,selectmode=single,exportselection=0,width=62,height=4,yscrollcommand=scltrn.set,activestyle='none',selectbackground='#4a6984',selectborderwidth=3,highlightcolor='#4a6984',highlightthickness=1) scltrn.config(command=self.lsttrn.yview) scltrn.grid(column=0, row=14, sticky=(n,s,e)) item in self.coord: self.lsttrn.insert(end, item) self.lsttrn.grid(column=0, row=14, padx=0, sticky=nw) self.lsttrn.select_set(0)
is there simple hack use push scrollbar few pixels left - documentation seems suggest there's no padding element?
you add scrollbar
widget , listbox
widget own seperate frame
then add in single 'unit'.
while dont know whole program, here's logic behind fix should like:
# declare new frame hold listbox , scroll wheel myframe = frame.__init__(self, parent) # make sure scrollbar part of our newly created frame "myframe" scltrn = scrollbar(myframe, orient=vertical) # make sure listbox part of our newly created frame "myframe" self.lsttrn = listbox(myframe,selectmode=single,exportselection=0,width=62,height=4,yscrollcommand=scltrn.set,activestyle='none',selectbackground='#4a6984',selectborderwidth=3,highlightcolor='#4a6984',highlightthickness=1) ... #pack scrollbar , listbox in our frame in order self.lsttrn.pack() scltrn.pack() .... # grid our frame containing both scrollwheel , listbox gui myframe.grid(column=xxx,row=xxx,padx=xxx,sticky=xxx)
this shouldnt copy+paste fix, understand logic behind creating frame
hold scrollbar , listbox, , gridding that in, rather both seperately.
hope helps! ~gunner
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