android - Cordova Media plugin - Load stream after hours -

for long time m trying solve problem cordova media plugin... want play internet radio stream on button press (play) code: app.js

var mmedia; function playaudio(url) {     mmedia = new media(url,     function () {            console.log("playaudio():audio success");        },     function (err) {         console.log("playaudio():audio error: " + err);     }     );     // play audio; } 


  <input type="button" value="play" onclick="playaudio('');" /> 

but silence...and few hours later radio starts playing.. hours after app closed (i didn't release media though)...

i'm using android 4.4.2 on phone.. on ripple works fine without 1s of delay..

what about? , best way solve this?


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