
Showing posts from July, 2013

Rollback is not working with spring declarative -

i'm working spring declarative approach rollback transaction on exceptions in method. method had multiple dao calls[1,2,3..] , needs maintained in single transaction. i'm trying acheive if exceptions comes in dao call[3], spring has rollback preceeding dao calls. i.e[1,2] @transactional(propagation = propagation.requires_new, readonly = true,rollbackfor=java.lang.throwable.class) public void processworkflowactionsinonetransaction(...) throws exception { // dao call 1 here.... // dao call 2 here.... // dao call 3 here....[throw exception] } the above configuration created single transaction mentioned method, not triggered rollback after exception. have attached spring logs better understanding. please me if 1 had similar issue. spring logs

ios - How to fetch bit flags predicate -

typedef ns_options(nsuinteger, listoption) { listoption1 = 1 << 0, listoption2 = 1 << 1, listoption3 = 1 << 2 }; @interface someclass : nsmanagedobject @property (nonatomic, retain) nsnumber *listoption; @end i save bit flags coredata. how make fetch predicate "someclass.listoption | listoption1" or "someclass.listoption & listoption1" nspredicate *predicate = [nspredicate predicatewithformat:@"((listoption & %llu)>0)", listoption1];

c - Why does a pointer variable when after freeing it stores the new address of its previous address stored? -

i have 2 questions. how free function in c work? how come pointer variable updates store new address? this code: #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main() { int a; int *p; p = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)); *p = 10; int *q = p; printf("p:%d\n", p); printf("q:%d\n", q); printf("*p:%d\n", *p); printf("*q:%d\n", *q); free(p); printf("memory freed.\n"); p = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)); *p = 19; printf("p:%d\n", p); printf("q:%d\n", q); printf("*p:%d\n", *p); printf("*q:%d\n", *q); } how come output this? p:2067804800 q:2067804800 *p:10 *q:10 memory freed. p:2067804800 q:2067804800 *p:19 *q:19 once call free() on malloc() -ed pointer, memory (returned pointer) free re-allocated subsequent call malloc() family. that's whole point of having free() . quoting c11 , chapter §

c# - Custom Startup Window unity3d For Stand alone windows -

i trying make custom startup window or before start window unity3d standalone. not know how start working on have researched got noting can point me on direction or kick start. possible have seen option in player settings--> display resolution dialog-->hidden default how dose work , how can set own window if have personal edition, can't true customized start screen, per licenses page: . cannot turn off default unity startup screen without using professional edition. the player settings -> display resolution dialog -> hidden default options enable/disable screen allowing player set resolution before game start. allowing player can have undesired effects, depending on how you've set game's resolution. on resolution screen, can set splash image scrolling down player settings inspector bit. to make pseudo-startup screen occurs after actual unity startup not difficult. take image want startup window, put on qua

java - Eclipse Terminate Keyboard Shortcut -

how eclipse terminate? use keyboard shortcut ctrl + f11 run program , cannot enable terminate hotkey, since in development run program 100s of times per day waste lot of time clicking red terminate square. i have looked @ previous postings of question , have gone windows --> preferences --> general --> keys , found "terminate" command: have set binding shift + ctrl + f11 , set "when" setting "in windows" . have tried various other options shortcut never works. why? addendum: unfortunately there no keyboard shortcut terminate/disconnect all option mentioned below , cannot manually set one. @ least, should able terminate launches just 1 mouse click instructions below. consider solution significant part of problem, wasting lot of time clicking red terminate square. to terminate launches: first time setup: in menus, click window > show view > other... type debug in search box , select debug > debug click ok.

javascript - Bootstrap data-offset-bottom -

i have problem the bootstrap affix data-offset-bottom . therefore created small example show problem. container spyed stops @ right position when scrolling jumps. @import url(''); body { position: relative; color: white; } .affix { top: 50px; width: 100%; z-index: 9999 !important; } .affix ~ .container-fluid { position: relative; top: 50px; } .navbar { margin-bottom: 0px; } #section1 { padding-top: 50px; height: 500px; background-color: #1e88e5; } #section2 { padding-top: 50px; height: 500px; background-color: #673ab7; } #section3 { padding-top: 50px; height: 1500px; background-color: #ff9800; } <nav class="navbar navbar-inverse" data-spy="affix" data-offset-bottom="1500"> <div class="container-fluid"> <p> stop @ section 3 </p> <div&g

how to search for a string pattern in the current file and list the occurrences with lighttable? -

i search string pattern , list of occurrences below in light-table. i can search whole work-space , list me of occurrence how do single file? in single file search, how list of occurrences after search in current file editor? the 'find bar' searches current editor tab. 'searcher', default, searches of files in current workspace. there's no way find bar, searcher, can restrict files searched 1 file – replace default <workspace> (full) path of file want search.

mongodb - How to run $and operator in mgo query in Golang -

i want execute following query in mongodb in golang check_select = bson.m{ "$and": []interface{}{ "shr_key": user_shr_key, "id": uid, "user_history": bson.m{"$elemmatch": bson.m{"action": "stop", "message_id": mid}}, }, } please help... getting following error "index must non-negative integer constant" . the error way initialize array in go : .... "$and": []interface{}{ "shr_key": user_shr_key, .... go array doesn't accept string index. anyway, in order solve problem, remove index array initialization , wrap key-value pair in bson.m do, eg: bson.m{ "$and": []bson.m{ // can try in []interface bson.m{"shr_key": user_shr_key}, bson.m{"id": uid}, bson.m{"user_history":

How to cast BitmapDrawable to LayerDrawable in android -

this code snippet. public boolean oncreateoptionsmenu(menu menu) { // inflate main; adds items action bar if present. getmenuinflater().inflate(, menu); menuitem item = menu.finditem(; layerdrawable icon = (layerdrawable) item.geticon(); // update layerdrawable's badgedrawable utils2.setbadgecount(this, icon, mnotificationscount); return true; } it giving error in line layerdrawable icon = (layerdrawable) item.geticon(); bitmapdrawable cannot cast how cast bitmapdrawable layer layerdrawable? edit : adding setbadgecount function. public static void setbadgecount(context context, layerdrawable icon, int count) { badgedrawable badge; // reuse drawable if possible drawable reuse = icon.finddrawablebylayerid(; if (reuse != null && reuse instanceof badgedrawable) { badge = (badgedrawable) reuse; } else {

javascript - Jqueryui multiple select d&d containment -

hy all, implemented jqueryui drag , drop , jqueryui selectable, , can move 2 objects if select both of it. problem when doing this, containment parent works on clicked element , other selected element can move out parent. here draggable , selectable imlementation: draggable: { init: function(el, options) { if (options == undefined) { options = { containment: "parent" }; } $(el).draggable(options, { scroll: false, snap: '.gridlines', snaptolerance: $('.grid').attr('data-size') / 2, revert: "invalid", drag: function(event, ui) { selectedcomponent = $(this); }, start: function(event, ui) { if ($(this).hasclass("ui-selected")){

SQL Server Getting Parsed Query -

i need each statement of given sql server stored procedure. to achieve this, generate execution plan xml , "stmtsimple" nodes in query. this approach quite slow large procedures. is there way can every single statement of procedure without generating xml execution plan? when have text of stored procedure, can perform full parse on using transactsql scriptdom . if want each statement, it's possible using method. however, i'm not convinced perform better using method using now. it's option try. edit -> scriptdom part of sql server 2012 feature pack , , contained in 'sqldom.msi' install.

matrix - Matlab - plot and color samples based on data -

i have following data: datamatrix (20x210): 20 samples 210 variables each wavelength: 1 row of 210 variables describing wavelength number concentrations: concentration value each sample (20 rows , 1 column) i plot data in normal way: plot(wavelength, datamatrix) but want plot , color each sample according concentration value taking account rest, color based on data. think colormap. result this: is there easy way using matlab? thank much! plot accepts line property including line color, plot(wavelength, datamatrix, 'color', [0,0,0.1]) colormap can convert built-in color maps rgb matrices, nlines = length(concentrations); cmap = hsv(nlines) mapping concentration color easy sorting numbers c = concentrations - min(concentrations); c = ceil( c/max(c)*nlines ); finally, draw each line separately for ii = 1:nlines plot(wavelength, datamatrix(ii,:), 'color', cmap(c(ii),:)) hold on end hold off

hive-hbase integration throws classnotfoundexception NULL::character varying -

following link i'm trying integrate hive , hbase, have configuration in hive-site.xml: <property> <name>hive.aux.jars.path</name> <value> file:///$hive_home/lib/hive-hbase-handler-2.0.0.jar, file:///$hive_home/lib/hive-ant-2.0.0.jar, file:///$hive_home/lib/protobuf-java-2.5.0.jar, file:///$hive_home/lib/hbase-client-1.1.1.jar, file:///$hive_home/lib/hbase-common-1.1.1.jar, file:///$hive_home/lib/zookeeper-3.4.6.jar, file:///$hive_home/lib/guava-14.0.1.jar </value> </property> then create table named 'ts:testtable' in hbase: hbase> create 'ts:testtable','pokes' hbase> put 'ts:testtable', '10000', 'pokes:value','val_10000' hbase> put 'ts:testtable', '10001', 'pokes:value','val_10001' ... hbase> s

python - how to assign a value to numpy array in specific rows and cols -

i want assign array specific (row, col) value 1 here code: fl = np.zeros((5, 3)) labels = np.random.random_integers(0, 2, (5, 1)) in range(5): fl[i, labels[i]] = 1 is there shortcut process? here way it: import numpy np fl = np.zeros((5, 3)) labels = np.random.random_integers(0, 2, 5) fl[range(0, 5), labels] = 1 and produce output:

haskell - Live edit Javascript in Chrome -

since yesod embeds javascript on page, chrome unable edit javascript live diagnose issues can't reproduce locally. there way edit javascript on running service in yesod? chrome has ability edit live javascript long script coming standalone .js file, yesod embeds js in page instead.

python - Raspberry pi3 Serial communication not working -

i have call monitoring system on raspberry pi. working fine on raspberry pi 2. pi3 not transmitting data on serial port. simple program import serial port=serial.serial("/dev/ttyama0",baudrate=10417,timeout=.05) address=1 port.write(chr(address)) it not receive data. there may configuration problem. edited /boot/cmdline.txt file sudo nano /boot/cmdline.txt removed console=ttyserial1,115200 kgdboc=ttyserial1,115200. but didn't /etc/inittab file comment out t0:23:respawn:/sbin/getty -l ttyama0 115200 vt100 sudo nano /boot/config.txt added @ last of page dtoverlay=pi3-disable-bt enable_uart=1 to disable bluetooth modem sudo systemctl disable hciuart what configuration have more receive data serial port?? assuming did usual set serial port, had working on pi2 before, case raspberry pi 3 has changed things around bit, ttyama0 refers serial port connected bluetooth. old serial port called ttys0. if have rpi3, everywhere see "ttyama0&q

groovy - JsonSlurper avoid trimming last zero in a string -

i using jsonslurper in groovy convert json text map. def slurper = new jsonslurper(); def parsedinput = slurper.parsetext("{amount=10.00}"); result is [amount:10.0] i need result without trimming last zero. like [amount:10.00] have checked various solutions not getting converted without trimming last zero. missing here. one of ways have found give input as: {amount="10.00"} in numbers , maths, 10.00 is 10.0 they same number. they have different string representations. if need display 10.0 user 10.00 conversion thing, need convert string 2 decimal places something like: def stringrepresentation = string.format("%.02f", 10.0) but calculations, 10.0 , 10.00 same thing edit -- try again... right when have json: {"amount"=10.00} the value on right floating point number. to keep 0 (which dropped every sane representation of numbers), need convert string. to this, can use string.format above mvc 3 - Listing all types -

i've defined class "contract", derive several types of contracts. i'm using entity framework storage , opted table-per-type model such end tables contract_put, contract_call, different derived classes. now want list contracts , create field strings identifying contract type. tried this: var ret = c in db.contracts select new contractsvm { ... } however, there's no way can find figure out type of contract... help? var ret = c in db.contracts.oftype<contract_put> select new contractsvm { strtype="put",... }; ret = ret.concat(from c in db.contracts.oftype<contract_call> select new contractsvm { strtype="call",... }); the variable ret contains these values. hope helps!

mule studio - How to print record values without repeating certain fields in dataweave in CSV format based on specific conditions -

please consider following input sample in csv company,firstname,lastname,email rate,manule,reaya, rate,sholy,bonvgy, the output should follows : company,firstname,lastname,email rate,manule,reaya, ,sholy,bonvgy, the condition : if company name repeats different records in input, should null in output csv. please let me know if can handled in dataweave component in mule below updated code <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <mule xmlns:file="" xmlns:dw="" xmlns="" xmlns:doc="" xmlns:spring="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemalocation="http://www.sp

how to use kubernetes with IBM bluemix containers -

i newbie in kubernetes. didn't find option ibm bluemix container in your_provider cluster configuration. (i referring link ). cloud please tell me, possible integrate bluemix kubernetes or not, if so,what can starting point? today not feasible run kubernetes natively within bluemix platform. investigating ability support native api , cli please check future announcements in space.

Scrape data from an embedded google map -

i read several related questions scraping data google map, seems not possible. can find alternative solutions, example, in post : scrapy, scrapping data inside javascript alternative solution find how data loaded map. edit : didn't mean ask people code me. know how explore code in order information. for example site of mcdonald's sg, how find there request data? for exemple of , there json file. (how @mrupsidown knew there json file ?) could please tell if there key words can every time want scrap page ? thank you thanks @mrupsidown, know can use : chrome -> developer tools -> network tab -> xhr (xmlhttprequest) to see loads json file. it's loaded via ajax

php - Why is My Code not showing results -

can code. code asks 1 of 2 things. if postcode entered code radius search , searches database rows containing postcodes in array. if city / street entered want code bypass , search rows containing them details. code below. $postcode = str_replace( '+', '%20', $postcode ); $conn = mysql_connect('','user','pass') or die('db connect error:'.mysql_error()); mysql_select_db('database', $conn) or die('could not select database'); $sqlstring = "select * postcodelatlng postcode ='".$postcode."'"; $result = mysql_query($sqlstring); $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); $lng = $row["longitude"] / 180 * m_pi; $lat = $row["latitude"] / 180 * m_pi; mysql_free_result($result); $sqlstring2 = "select distinct postcodelatlng.postcode, ( 6367.41 * sqrt( 2 * ( 1- cos(radians(postcodelatlng.latitude)) * cos(".$lat.") * (

Add FootNotes to Word Document Programatically using OpenXML SDK C# -

i need create word document using open xml sdk. have document text , footnotes . using below snippets create word document. able create document text ,but not able add footnotes it. can please let know how add footnotes programmatically using open xml public void createworddocument() { using (memorystream docxmemory = new memorystream()) { using (wordprocessingdocument worddocument = wordprocessingdocument.create(docxmemory, wordprocessingdocumenttype.document, true)) { // add main document part. maindocumentpart mainpart = worddocument.addmaindocumentpart(); // create document structure , add text. this.addsettingstomaindocumentpart(mainpart); styledefinitionspart part = mainpart.styledefinitionspart; // if styles part not exist, add it. if (part == null) { this.addstylesparttopackage(mainpart)

parsing - Bison shift reduce conflict on comma -

i have strange shift-reduce warnings no matter change. reduced grammar: expr : number | number ',' expr | expr ',' number ',' number bison reports shift reduce on 2nd rule comma. tried set precedence: %nonassoc num_p %nonassoc exp_p expr : number %prec num_p | number ',' expr %prec exp_p | expr ',' number ',' number but warning stays same. can explain me missing here? it clear following ambiguous: expr : number %prec num_p | number ',' expr %prec exp_p | expr ',' number ',' number since list of 3 or more numbers can parsed in various ways. speaking, can take single numbers off beginning of list or pairs of numbers off end of list, until meet somewhere in middle; however, there no definition of middle point might be. consider, example, various parse trees produce 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 . here 2 (with numbers indicating production used expand expr ): expr(2)

How to manually install e(fx)clipse addon for Java Eclipse? -

i need e(fx)clipse window builder develop application. using windows xp java 8 unsupported. must use older version of e(fx)clipse supports java 7. i've looked everywhere on how sources leading me installing latest version via (install new software) feature in eclipse. doesn't work me cannot find correct p2 link older versions of software. please help. here steps offline install plugins. open windowbuilder pro download page , click link under zipped update site . if using eclipse 3.8, can download wb v1.7 offline install. if don't want install plugins, select menu item windows > preference . select tree item install/update > available software sites , uncheck items , press ok close it. unpack downloaded zip file folder (do not use file expleror of windows...) select menu item help > install new software... . click add... button , local... button select folder in previous steps. eclipse list avaiable features install. can select features , cli

oracle - rollback of addPrimaryKey also drops associated index -

in liquibase 3.5.0 under oracle 11g, have added following changeset : <changeset author="me" id="pk_creation"> <createindex tablename="my_table" indexname="my_index" unique="true"> <column name="id" /> </createindex> <addprimarykey tablename="my_table" columnnames="id" constraintname="my_pk" forindexname="my_index" /> </changeset> the result of updatesql operation expect : create unique index my_index on my_table(id); alter table my_table add constraint my_pk primary key (id) using index my_index; but (default) rollbacksql operation drops index @ same time primary key in first instruction, causes second instruction fail : alter table my_table drop primary key drop index; drop index my_index; is there way make work without specifying custom rollback operation ? it looks auto-gene

npm - Angular cli broccoli plugin error -

i'm on windows 7 , trying create sample project angular-cli. created project ng new test2 created project when run, ng serve , gives following errors. the broccoli plugin: [broccolitypescriptcompiler] failed with: operation not permitted. any idea going wrong here ? the issue command prompt not running administrator access . ran administrator access , ta da, works. - angular 2 Error while routing -

i using angular 2.0.0-beta.0. following code right when use same code in angular 2.0.0-beta-17 showing errors.error image @ end of question kindly guide me. thankful you. app.ts import {component} "angular2/core"; import {asyncroute, router, routedefinition, routeconfig, location, router_directives} "angular2/router"; import {chartcomponent} "./components/chart.component"; import {chartscomponent} "./components/charts.component"; import {mvccomponent} "./components/mvc.component"; import {bootsrtap2component} "./components/bootstrap2.component"; import {bootstrapjavascriptcomponent} "./components/bootstrapjavascript.component"; declare var system: any; @routeconfig([ { path: '/chart', name: 'chart', component: chartcomponent }, { path: '/charts', name: 'charts', component: chartscomponent }, { p

javascript - How to validate password with atleast one numeric, one Uppercase letter and 6-20 characters? -

i have added script form , working alpha numeric.the problem when click on wrong format on click function updated data in database submit can block? need update data correct alert function. function checkpassword(inputtxt) { var passw = /^(?=.*\d)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[a-z]).{6,20}$/; if (inputtxt.value.match(passw)) { alert('congratulations have changed password!..plz logout , signin again.'); return true; } else { alert('wrong format...!') return false; } } <script src="check-password-2.js"></script> <?php if(isset($_post['submit']) ) { $password = $_post['newpassword']; $sql = mysql_query("update tbl_login set str_password='$password',status='1' str_username='$user'"); } ?> <body onload='document.form1.newpassword.focus()'> <form name="

TensorFlow: dimension error. how to debug? -

i'm beginner tf i've tried adapt code working other data (nomnist) new data, , have dimensionality error, , don't know how deal it. to debug, i'm trying use tf.shape method doesn't give me info need... def reformat(dataset, labels): #dataset = dataset.reshape((-1, num_var)).astype(np.float32) # map 2 [0.0, 1.0, 0.0 ...], 3 [0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ...] labels = (np.arange(num_labels) == labels[:,none]).astype(np.float32) return dataset, labels train_dataset, train_labels = reformat(train_dataset, train_labels) valid_dataset, valid_labels = reformat(valid_dataset, valid_labels) test_dataset, test_labels = reformat(test_dataset, test_labels) print('training set', train_dataset.shape, train_labels.shape) print('validation set', valid_dataset.shape, valid_labels.shape) print('test set', test_dataset.shape, test_labels.shape) type(train_dataset) training set (790184, 29) (790184, 39) validation set (43899, 29) (43899, 39) test set

authentication - How to authenticate Oracle login using encrypted password -

we connecting oracle using kornshell (ksh) scripts, use sql*plus connect oracle. oracle database on same solaris box. currently, storing oracle user id , password (plain text) in file in .ssh folder of connecting user, 400 permission bits. the dbas objecting way of working, citing fact using plain text password authentication. when offered encode password using base64, still did not idea, citing still decrypt password in shell script , transmit password on network. now, want understand this- i have been reading oracle encrypts/hashes password string, before transmitting it. can not find reference right though, however, still want confirm understanding. this? on 11g r2, make difference? would able login sql*plus without decrypting password hash? e.g., dbas set password, pass on hash me. put in file, , supply sql*plus parameter. there way kind of authentication work? know tools allow that, if encode using tool, able decrypt value , use authentication. oracle? help me fell

angularjs - How to redirect to next page on click of marker and displaying details about the marker? -

i using leaflet display map in hybrid app. in map have multiple markers. want redirect next page when user click on marker , display details regarding marker. below json data getting lat , long marker. below json data [{"store_id":"1","store_name":"wall mart","store_address":"forum mall, kormangala","store_latitude":"12.929328","store_longitude":" 77.605117","store_phone":"9848484848"}, {"store_id":"2","store_name":"lifestyle","store_address":"k r pooram","store_latitude":"12.961398","store_longitude":"77.553128","store_phone":"858585858"}, {"store_id":"3","store_name":"more","store_address":"katriguppe","store_latitude":"12.989943","store_longitude":&qu

javascript - On div refresh text inside the input box shouldn't clear -

i have div , refreshes every 3 seconds. inside div there input box , whatever type gets cleared out in 3 seconds. there way text remain inside input box , not cleared out? index.js <div id="show_here"></div> <script type ="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { setinterval(function() { $('#show_here').load('fetch.php') }, 3000); }); </script> fetch.php <div> // code here <input type="text" id="input" /> </div> input box needs inside page since inside while loop. can done or need change whole code make work? preserve , set setinterval(function() { my_val = $('#input').val(); $('#show_here').load('fetch.php'); $('#input').val(my_val); }, 3000);

hadoop - error while using sqoop for data transfer to hdfs -

i have used sqoop transfer data between hdfs , oracle shown below : hadoop@jiogis-cluster-jiogis-master-001:~$ sqoop import --connect --username=r4g_viewer --password=viewer_123 --table=r4g_osp.enodeb --hive-import --hive-table=enodeb --target-dir=user/hive/warehouse/proddb/jiocenterboundary -- direct and error shown below when use sqoop show above warning: /volumes/disk1/sqoop-1.4.6.bin__hadoop-2.0.4-alpha/../hbase not exist! hbase imports fail. please set $hbase_home root of hbase installation. warning: /volumes/disk1/sqoop-1.4.6.bin__hadoop-2.0.4-alpha/../hcatalog not exist! hcatalog jobs fail. please set $hcat_home root of hcatalog installation. warning: /volumes/disk1/sqoop-1.4.6.bin__hadoop-2.0.4-alpha/../accumulo not exist! accumulo imports fail. please set $accumulo_home root of accumulo installation. 16/05/09 11:11:19 info sqoop.sqoop: running sqoop version: 1.4.6 16/05/09 11:11:19 warn tool.basesqooptool: setting password on command

java - Is it possible to invalidate a httpsession from another session using session id? -

consider scenario user adam logins websitea using webbrowsera emailid session created here , session id stored in database then, user adam logins websitea using webbrowserb emailid session created here , session id stored in database when user adam logins using webbrowserb, need invalidate session created using webbrowsera (assuming session in webbrowsera active). how invalidate session created using webbrowsera using it's sessionid or other possible ways? technology: java,springmvc,sqlserver2008 spring security has concurrent session control ask.

windows phone 7.1 - Why TextBox property MaxLength is not working for a customised TextBox? -

i wanted password box numeric input scope, unfortunately passwordbox not allow developers specify numeric inputscope. have achieved objective through customize textbox. code here,mainpage.xaml.cs using system; using system.collections.generic; using system.linq; using; using; using; using; using; using; using; using; using; using system.text.regularexpressions; namespace paswwordboxwithnumericinput { public partial class mainpage : phoneapplicationpage { // constructor public mainpage() { initializecomponent(); } string _enteredpasscode = ""; string _passwordchar = "*"; private void passwordtextbox_keyup(object sender, keyeventargs e) { //modify new passcode according entered key

hadoop - Sqoop import as Avro error -

stack : installed hdp- using ambari 2.1 i trying import sql server table onto hdfs. [sqoop@l1038lab root]$ sqoop import --connect 'jdbc:sqlserver://dbserver;database=dbname' --username someusername --password somepassword --as-avrodatafile --table dimsampledesc --warehouse-dir /dataload/tohdfs/reio/odpdw/may2016 --verbose there 1 error in output : writing avro schema file: /tmp/sqoop-sqoop/compile/bbbd98974f09b50a9335cedde30f73a5/dimsampledesc.avsc 16/05/09 13:09:00 debug mapreduce.datadrivenimportjob: not move avro schema file code output directory. destination directory '.' not exist [createdestdir=true] @ @ org.apache.sqoop.mapreduce.datadrivenimportjob.writeavroschema( @ org.apache.sqoop.mapreduce.datadrivenimportjob.configuremapper( @ org.apache.sqoop