c# - Posting attached file to a web service via httpwebrequest -

i trying post xml file web service.

this current code

 var tempfilelocation = @"c:\temp\";                           xmldocument xdoc = new xmldocument();             xdoc.loadxml(item);             xdoc.save(tempfilelocation + "\\pcf.xml");              var url = "https://siteaddress/xml.aspx";              utf8encoding encoding = new utf8encoding();             byte[] byte1 = encoding.getbytes(xdoc.innerxml);             httpwebrequest submissionrequest = (httpwebrequest)webrequest.create(url);             submissionrequest.keepalive = true;             submissionrequest.method = "post";             submissionrequest.contenttype = "multipart/form-data";             submissionrequest.contentlength = byte1.length;             submissionrequest.timeout = 10000;             submissionrequest.headers.add("accept-encoding", "gzip,deflate");               stream requeststream = submissionrequest.getrequeststream();             requeststream.write(byte1, 0, byte1.length);             requeststream.close();              xmldocument responsexmldocument = new xmldocument();              httpwebresponse submissionacknowledgement = (httpwebresponse)submissionrequest.getresponse();              if (submissionacknowledgement.statuscode == httpstatuscode.ok)             {                 responsexmldocument.load(submissionacknowledgement.getresponsestream());              } 

i receive following message.

bad request.form[pcfxml] - should have been attached post

how should post xml file attachment?

seems boundary missing. need set boundary multipart upload...

boundary = getboundary();  request.contenttype = "multipart/form-data; boundary=" + boundary; 

and boundary should below. please note whenever write byte request stream, please make sure have mentioned boundary.

private static string getboundary() {     return "--------------------" + datetime.now.ticks.tostring("x"); } 


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