java - Displaying just one value in JComboBox when one is selected -
hello :) need changing jcombobox
in jtable
. i'm new gui-programming , swing , couldn't solve problem: have change behavior of jcombobox
you can see combobox in picture below. if "ja" selected there should "nein" option , other way around. cool if "nein" set per default. code written 1 student last semester , have difficulties adjust combobox have to.
that's code snippet combobox gets initialized.
optionsinteger = new jcombobox<string>(); optionsinteger.additem("ja"); optionsinteger.additem("nein"); optionsinteger.setselecteditem(optionsinteger.getitemat(0)); optionsinteger.setselectedindex(1); optionsinteger.setname("optionsinteger");
the combobox gets inserted jtable
in method:
public void repaintxtable(defaulttablemodel model,jtable table, int xamount, jscrollpane scrollpane, jcombobox<string> optionsinteger) { model.setrowcount(xamount); th = table.gettableheader(); tcm = th.getcolumnmodel(); tcs = tcm.getcolumns(); tcs.nextelement().setheadervalue(""); tcs.nextelement().setheadervalue("lower"); tcs.nextelement().setheadervalue("upper"); tc = tcs.nextelement(); tc.setheadervalue("integer"); tc.setcelleditor(new defaultcelleditor(optionsinteger)); for(int i=0;i<xamount;i++) { model.setvalueat("x"+(i+1), i, 0); } }
thank help.
in code, line
sets default selection zeroth element (ja). line
sets default selection first element (nein).
either set selected item or selected index. there's no need both.
a jcombobox not remove selected element default. if selected element removed, how selected element display in jtable?
if want this, you'll have create own version of jcombobox.
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