C# delegate contravariance with lambda expression -

the second test method below not compile (cannot convert lambda expression target type d1). mean (non-generic) delegate contravariance not work lambda expressions?

[testfixture] public class myvariancetests {     private abstract class animal {}     private class tiger : animal {}      private delegate type d1(tiger tiger);      private static type m1(animal animal)     {         return animal.gettype();     }      [test]     public void contravariantdelegatewithmethod()     {         d1 func = m1;         type result = func(new tiger());         assert.areequal(result, typeof (tiger));     }      [test]     public void contravariantdelegatewithlambda()     {         d1 func = (animal animal) => animal.gettype();         type result = func(new tiger());         assert.areequal(result, typeof (tiger));     } } 

you've identified inconsistency in language.

this called out explicitly in language specification:

7.15.1 anonymous function signatures

[...] in contrast method group conversions (§6.6), contra-variance of anonymous function parameter types not supported. [...]

...which raises question:

why didn't language designers bother supporting feature?


clearly, feature has small benefits. justify costs of complications required in compliant compiler implementation?

when write lambda expression, must already know delegate/expression-tree type being converted (there's no general-purpose type can "hold" arbitrary lambda). of c# 5, lambda (in contrast method) serves absolutely no purpose other in creation of single delegate / expression-tree instance. consequently, there's no advantage (other convenience) explicitly specifying more general type required parameter , expecting contra-variance support compiler. omit type , rely on type-inference (or, worst case, explicitly specify exact parameter-type required) without loss in reusability or expressibility.

this doesn't apply methods, serve other purposes other creation of delegates/expression-trees. may desire particular function signature (different delegate's) because appropriate, or require because must satisfy interface contract. further more, consider (as programmer creating delegate/expression-tree) don't "own" method in question (it in third-party assembly) when performing method-group conversion. never case lambdas.

it appears language-designers felt benefits of implementing contra-variance of parameter types lambdas didn't justify costs, unlike method-groups.



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