Call different interpreter for Tcl in python -

i wish run tcl script different interpreter (opensees) python itself, similar this question, practical way? i've tried tkinter , subprocess routines far understand i'm running script in pure tcl , nothing happens (functions defined in opensees environment). i've tried calling tcl script via tkinter , can't life of me figure out how run tcl interpreter, i've tried is:


proc fractional_while {j float_increment upper_limit} {     while {$j < $upper_limit} {         set j [expr $j + $float_increment]     } } puts "time took: [time {fractional_while 1 0.001 500} 1]" 

python file

import tkinter r = r.eval('source {for-test.tcl}') 

what want call opensees inside python , run following routine:


model basicbuilder -ndm 2 -ndf 3  set time_zero [clock clicks -millisec]  set node_restraint 1 set node_spring 2  ...  set load_dir $x_direction set x_mass 1 set elastic_modulus 2e6 set rotation_z 6  node $node_restraint 0 0 -mass 0 0 0 node $node_spring 0 0 -mass 0 0 0 fix $node_restraint 1 1 1  equaldof $master_node $slave_node 1 2 geomtransf linear $transf_tag  uniaxialmaterial elastic $linear_elastic_mat_tag $elastic_modulus element zerolength 0 $node_restraint $node_spring -mat $linear_elastic_mat_tag -dir $rotation_z  set accel_series "path -filepath acelerograma_85_ii.191 -dt $ground_motion_time_step -factor 1" pattern uniformexcitation $load_tag $load_dir -accel $accel_series  set oscillator_length 1 set node_mass 3 set counter 1  while {$oscillator_length < 1000} {  set oscillator_length [expr $counter*0.1] set node_mass [expr $counter + 2]  node $node_mass 0 $oscillator_length  mass $node_mass $x_mass 0 0  element elasticbeamcolumn $node_mass $node_spring $node_mass $area_column $elastic_modulus $inertia_column $transf_tag  set eigenvalue [eigen -fullgenlapack 1] set period [expr 2*$pi/sqrt($eigenvalue)]  recorder envelopenode -file results/acceleration-envelope-period-$period.out -time -node $node_mass -dof $x_direction accel ...  rayleigh [expr 2*$damping_ratio*$x_mass*$eigenvalue] 0 0 0 constraints transformation  # determines how dof constraits treated , assigned numberer plain  # numbering schemes tied directly efficiency of numerical solvers system bandgeneral # defines matricial numerical solving method based on form of stiffness matrix test normdispincr 1e-5 10 0 integrator newmark $gamma $beta # defines integrator differential movement equation algorithm newton # solve nonlinear residual equation analysis transient # uniform timesteps in excitations analyze [expr int($duration_motion/$time_step)] $time_step  incr counter }  puts stderr "[expr {([clock clicks -millisec]-$time_zero)/1000.}] sec" ;# rs wipe 

it depends on how opensees built , options offers.

typically programs embed tcl have 2 main options how it, quite similar python.

variant 1 have normal c/c++ main program , link tcl library, in effect same thing tclsh does, shell can execute tcl commands , providing commands statically.

variant 2 using normal tclsh , loading extension modules add functionality. if case, can load package in tkinter shell if similar enough, , done.

opensees seems program implements variant one, bigwish includes commands not available outside. cannot load code directly in tkinter shell.

you have 3 options:

  1. use tcllib comm package communicate between tkinter , opensees shell (see running tcl code (on existing tcl shell) python example)
  2. run opensees via subprocess , implement kind of communication protocol send commands.
  3. hack @ opensees code build loadable package tcl , load tkinter process (might hard).


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