python - AWS - DJANGO - Error in formatting: OperationalError: fe_sendauth: no password supplied -
i have setup django app on aws beanstalk postgresql 9.4.7. database settings follows;
if 'rds_db_name' in os.environ: databases = { 'default': { 'engine': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2', 'name': os.environ['rds_db_name'], 'user': os.environ['rds_username'], 'password': os.environ['rds_password'], 'host': os.environ['rds_hostname'], 'port': os.environ['rds_port'], } }
i have installed psycopg2.
aws application installation completed when opened index page received following error.
exception type: runtimeerror exception value: error creating new content types. please make sure contenttypes migrated before trying migrate apps individually.
further digging exception page found error
**variable** my_list **value** error in formatting: operationalerror: fe_sendauth: no password supplied **request** <wsgirequest: '/new/'>
my_list variable defined in index page view.
further down page can see db values updated correctly.
to check if there issue password tried accessing aws rds via pgadmin , able no issues there.
i have tried lot of things not able find solution need assistance please.
edit: have checked tables after connecting pgadmin , can confirm tables have been created through migrate command (created in aws .config file) on aws database. thought of sharing in case helpful.
edit 2: on error page if go down settings section can see both id , password reflecting (pass in ******** form). in traceback section can see password none rest of info there , error is;
/opt/python/run/venv/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/psycopg2/ in connect conn = _connect(dsn, connection_factory=connection_factory, async=async)
edit3: db except password , checked env file found in /opt/python/current on aws ssh instance , found had export settings correctly listed including password.
to more explicit, below have mentioned exception detail on traceback on web page detail under
/opt/python/run/venv/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/psycopg2/ in connect conn = _connect(dsn, connection_factory=connection_factory, async=async)
**variable value** database 'xxx' - correct items [('dbname', 'xxx'), correct ('user', 'xxxxx'), correct ('host', ''), correct ('port', '5432')] k 'port' kwargs {} connection_factory none dsn 'dbname=xxxx user=xxxx port=5432' correct host '' correct user 'xxxxx' correct v '5432' async false **password none** **this not correct** port '5432' cursor_factory none
in case woould try going
- configure amazon rds db security group allow access amazon ec2 security group used elastic beanstalk application
update: don't forget backslash variables values rds_password in os environment. eg export rds_password="pa$$word"
should become export rds_password="pa\$\$word"
to go to; on ssh ec2 instance , go file
. dir has 1 app directory holds django app , env file. "nano env" , shows lot of export statements go rds_password line , add blackslash pass it.
export rds_password="pa\$\$word". save file.
then restart app on aws , works charm.
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