qt - QIODevice::ReadWrite | QIODevice::Unbuffered - Unsupported open mode -


warning: mode has qiodevice::readonly, qiodevice::writeonly, or qiodevice::readwrite. other modes unsupported.

following code not open serial port.

if(serialport.open (qiodevice::readwrite | qiodevice::unbuffered))     {         qdebug() << "asdasdas";         serialport.setdatabits(qserialport::data8);         serialport.setparity(qserialport::noparity);         serialport.setstopbits(qserialport::onestop);     }     else     {         qdebug() << "qserialport::serialporterror: " << serialport.errorstring();     } 

what way use unbuffered flag?

what way use unbuffered flag?

there none. qserialport doesn't support it.

alas, assumption buffering slowing down unfounded unless have measurements demonstrate issue. bet don't , won't have such measurements. have other problems. serial ports of comparatively slow bandwidth, single megabits/second aren't issue when comes buffering unless you're doing causes buffering have quadratic cost, , not linear cost low proportionality constant has.


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