php - Dynamically change selected state of dropdown(s) for each row of data -

i'd show dropdown menu(s) contain selected day based on recorded on database.

is there efficient way dynamically change selected state of dropdown menu based on recorded data?

thank you


  • there many dropdown menu(s) if recorded day of following clinicid more 1 row

  • the $day integer, 1 sunday, 2 monday , on

here mycode

    // check if row existed     if ($count>0) {         // if row existed start printing         while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($retval))         {             $day = $row['day'];             $starthour = $row['starthour'];             $startmin = $row['startmin'];             $endhour = $row['endhour'];             $endmin = $row['endmin'];              echo              "<span>" .             "<select name='day[]'>" .             "<option value='1' selected='selected'>sunday</option>" .              "<option value='2'>monday</option>" .              "<option value='3'>tuesday</option>" .             "<option value='4'>wednesday</option>" .             "<option value='5'>thursday</option>" .             "<option value='6'>friday</option>" .             "<option value='7'>saturday</option>" .             "<option value='0'>everyday</option>" .             "</select>"              //please ignore below             "<br>start : " . $starthour . "." . $startmin .              "<br>end : " . $endhour . "." . $endmin .              "<br><br>";         }      }     else {     } 

if new code, please use pdo or mysqli. mysql depreciated , should not used on new code try link, helped me lot:

change code (this code includes pdo implementation):

<?php $db = new pdo('mysql:host=yourhost;dbname=dbname', 'username', 'password', array(pdo::mysql_attr_init_command => "set names 'utf8'"));   $db->setattribute(pdo::attr_emulate_prepares, false); $db->setattribute(pdo::attr_errmode, pdo::errmode_exception);    //printing schedule in database $getbusinesshours = "select * businesshours clinicid = $clinicid";  $stmt = $db->prepare($getbusinesshours); $stmt->execute();  $count = $stmt->rowcount();  // check if row existed if ($count>0){     // if row existed start printing     foreach ($stmt $row){     {         $day = $row['day'];         $starthour = $row['starthour'];         $startmin = $row['startmin'];         $endhour = $row['endhour'];         $endmin = $row['endmin'];          $i      = 0;          $days   =   array('everyday', 'sunday', 'monday', 'tuesday', 'wednesday', 'thursday', 'friday', 'saturday');         $select = '<span><select name="day[]">';           while($i <= 7){             if($i == $day){                 $selected   =   'selected="selected"';             }             else{                 $selected   =   '';             }              $select =   $select.             '<option value="'.$i.'"'.$selected.'>'.$days[$i].'</option'>              $i++;         }          $select =   $select.'</select>';         echo $select;          //please ignore below         "<br>start : " . $starthour . "." . $startmin .          "<br>end : " . $endhour . "." . $endmin .          "<br><br>";     }  } else { }  ?> 

i hope helps.


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