python delete empty sub lists of list -
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i want delete empty sub list, ways failed, other ways successful. why ? worry way:
data=[[],[],[],[],[]] rows in data: if len(rows)==0: list.remove(rows) print data
the result [[],[]]
.it isn't expected result []
the correct way(my friend tell me,thank him):
list = [[],[],[],[],[]] a=list(filter(lambda x: [] != x, list)) print
the result expected empty list []
avoid iterating on list while doing changes on it:
data=[[],[],[],[],[]] rows in data: if len(rows)==0: data.remove(rows) print data
instead, create new list:
>>> lst = [] >>> data = [[],[],[],[1,2,3]] >>> >>> rows in data: if rows: #if rows not empty list lst.append(rows) >>> lst [[1, 2, 3]] >>>
same did filter
creates new object:
>>> lst = [[],[],[],[1,2,3],[1,],[], [4,5,6],[7]] >>> lst = filter(list.__len__,lst) >>> lst [[1, 2, 3], [1], [4, 5, 6], [7]]
after doing profiling, got following resutls:
>>> import timeit >>> timeit.timeit('filter(list.__len__, lst)', setup='lst=[[],[],[],[1,2,3],[1,],[], [4,5,6],[7]]', number=1000000) 1.03789886128774 >>> >>> timeit.timeit('filter(lambda x:x, lst)', setup='lst=[[],[],[],[1,2,3],[1,],[], [4,5,6],[7]]', number=1000000) 1.0035609489573218 >>> >>> timeit.timeit('filter(none, lst)', setup='lst=[[],[],[],[1,2,3],[1,],[], [4,5,6],[7]]', number=1000000) 0.4335933814062045 >>> >>> timeit.timeit('[l l in lst if l]', setup='lst=[[],[],[],[1,2,3],[1,],[], [4,5,6],[7]]', number=1000000) 0.41073885410420985
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