Inserting datetime as string C# SQL-server -
i have sql-server , column called citizenshipdate
. column of type datetime
in sql.
however, problem can have value '0'
not datetime value rather string value.
so i'm trying handle string in c# when inserting values error:
conversion failed when converting datetime character string.
i error because i'm trying insert string datetime in sql-server.
here code:
class person { public string personalidentitynumber { get; set; } public string specialidentitynumber { get; set; } public string firstname { get; set; } public string lastname { get; set; } public string citizenshipdate { get; set; } } list<folkbokforingsposttype> deserializedlist = new list<folkbokforingsposttype>(); deserializedlist = deserialize<list<folkbokforingsposttype>>(); var mypersons = deserialize<list<folkbokforingsposttype>>() .select(x => new person { personalidentitynumber = x.personpost.personid.personnr, specialidentitynumber = x.personpost.personid.tilltalsnamnsmarkering != null ? x.personpost.personid.tilltalsnamnsmarkering : null, lastname = x.personpost.namn.efternamn, firstname = x.personpost.namn.fornamn, citizenshipdate = x.personpost.medborgarskap != null ? x.personpost.medborgarskap.medborgarskapsdatum : null }); string connetionstring = null; sqldataadapter adpter = new sqldataadapter(); dataset ds = new dataset(); xmlreader xmlfile; connetionstring = "data source=tsrv2062;initial catalog=bums;user id=bumsuser;password=2tusen7bums"; xmlfile = xmlreader.create("navetout.xml", new xmlreadersettings()); ds.readxml(xmlfile); using (var connection = new sqlconnection(connetionstring)) {; datetime datum =; string lastchangedby = "system"; foreach (person p in mypersons) { sqlcommand command1 = avreg(p.unregistrationreason, p.givennamenumber,p.protectedidentity, p.citizenshipdate, connection); command1.parameters.addwithvalue("@personalidentitynumber", string.format("{0}{1}", p.personalidentitynumber, p.specialidentitynumber)); command1.parameters.addwithvalue("@firstname", p.firstname); command1.parameters.addwithvalue("@lastname", p.lastname); command1.executenonquery(); console.writeline(string.format("{0}{1}", p.personalidentitynumber, p.specialidentitynumber)); } } console.writeline("done"); // }// put break-point here, mouse-over personalidentitynumber... deserializedlist contains if need //catch (exception) // { // throw; // } console.readkey(); } public static sqlcommand avreg(string s, string t, string p, string c, sqlconnection connection) { var query = "update seamen set firstname = @firstname, "+ "lastname = @lastname, "+ sqlcommand command1; //here `citizenshipdate` if (c == "0") { query += ", citizenshipdate = '0'"; command1 = new sqlcommand(query, connection); command1.parameters.clear(); } else { query += ", citizenshipdate = @citizenshipdate"; command1 = new sqlcommand(query, connection); command1.parameters.clear(); command1.parameters.addwithvalue("@citizenshipdate", c ?? dbnull.value.tostring()); } //ignore these if statements if ((!string.isnullorempty(s)) && !string.isnullorempty(t)) { } else { query += ", givennamenumber = @givennamenumber personalidentitynumber = @personalidentitynumber"; t = "00"; command1 = new sqlcommand(query, connection); command1.parameters.clear(); command1.parameters.addwithvalue("@givennamenumber", t ?? dbnull.value.tostring()); return command1; } return command1; }
please note cannot change type in database. somehow need way insert value string. can ?
if column not allow nulls, can use null represent "0", , in code, when loading record, replace null "0" in ui. or, if allow nulls , need value represent "0", can use arbitrary date wouldn't use '1/1/1753' (the lowest value sql datetime) or '1/1/1900' (lowest smalldatetime) or that. date these dates represents "0". conversion "0" happens within app, not stored in database.
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