javascript - Error with require node.js SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier -

i new node.js. created file named events_scraper.js , put code in file:

var request = require('request'); var cheerio = require('cheerio'); var fs = require('fs'); var regions = ['campania','molise','puglia','basilicata','sicilia','sardegna']; var domain = ''; var basepath = '{{region}}/prov/cit/intit/rilib';  var result = 'path_to_folder{{region}}.json';  //start of scraper function getdata(path, region) {     request(path, function (error, response, html) {         if (!error && response.statuscode == 200) {             var $ = cheerio.load(html);  // research information each events             var evt = {                 categoria: $('.category').text().trim().replace( /\s\s+/g, ' '),                 titolo: $('.summary').text(),                 sottotitolo: $('.titolo').siblings('.testoxxsmall').text(),                 dal: $('.dtstart').text(),                 al: $('.dtend').text(),                 tel: $('[alt="info evento"]').parent().next().text(),             };              var email = $('[src="/template/originalblu/images/comuni/mail - at.gif"]').siblings('a').first();             if (email.length) {        = email.attr('href').split('mailto:')[1];             }              var adr = $('.location .adr ');             adr.find('.testo10').remove();             adr.find('.region').remove();              evt.dove = adr.text().trim().replace( /\s\s+/g, ' ');              var linksito = $('[src="/template/originalblu/images/comuni/sito - www.gif"]').siblings('a');             if (linksito.length > 1) {                 evt.sito = [];                 linksito.each(function(i, sito){                     evt.sito.push({                         url: $(sito).attr('href'),                         nome: $(sito).text()                     });                 });             } else {                 evt.sito = {                     url: linksito.attr('href'),                     nome: linksito.text()                 };             }              fs.appendfile(result.replace('{{region}}', region), json.stringify(evt) + '\n', function (err) {                 if (err) return console.log(err);             });             console.log(evt);         }     }); }   function getstuff(path, region) {     request(path, function (error, response, html) {         if (!error && response.statuscode == 200) {             var $ = cheerio.load(html);             $('.vevent').each(function(i, element){                 var link =  domain + $(element).find('.summary').attr('href');                  getdata(link, region);              });              var next = $('.elenconav a:contains(avanti)').first().attr('href');              if(next) {                 getstuff(next, region);             }         }     }); }  regions.foreach(function(region){     fs.writefile(result.replace('{{region}}', region), '');      getstuff(basepath.replace('{{region}}', region), region); }); 

then run application , error :

syntaxerror: unexpected identifier     @ object.exports.createscript (vm.js:44:10)     @ replserver.defaulteval (repl.js:117:23)     @ bound (domain.js:254:14)     @ replserver.runbound [as eval] (domain.js:267:12)     @ replserver.<anonymous> (repl.js:279:12)     @ replserver.emit (events.js:107:17)     @ replserver.interface._online (readline.js:214:10)     @ replserver.interface._line (readline.js:553:8)     @ replserver.interface._ttywrite (readline.js:830:14)     @ readstream.onkeypress (readline.js:109:10) 

this error it's caused code on first raw var request = require('request');

it seems have error on running script. try run node index.js. if file name isn't index.js, make changes.


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