spring - springockito xsd link is broken -
the location of springockito's mockito.xsd
seems broken.
we used
xsi:schemalocation="http://www.mockito.org/spring/mockito https://bitbucket.org/kubek2k/springockito/raw/tip/springockito/src/main/resources/spring/mockito.xsd
but not work longer. know of current uri?
looks kubek2k's bitbucket repo no longer accessible. luckily made github mirror here.
given repo no longer accessible, better / more permanent solution might create local copy of mockito.xsd
in src/main/resources
directory, , reference instead.
for example, create src/main/resources/meta-inf/spring/mockito.xsd
, change xsd reference from:
.... http://www.mockito.org/spring/mockito https://bitbucket.org/kubek2k/springockito/raw/tip/springockito/src/main/resources/spring/mockito.xsd">
... http://www.mockito.org/spring/mockito meta-inf/spring/mockito.xsd">
update 10-05-2016:
- there's fork here -- it's based off version 1.0.7 can see (which more recent angellnc's github mirror above).
- and fork here (this 1 mirror, still 1.0.7)
update 10-05-2016 2:
looks there 1.0.9 version hosted here: https://bitbucket.org/duncan85/springockito/
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