Custom Push Notification coming twice using and Android -

i working in custom push notification using android. push integrated in application, problem getting 2 notifications @ time.

one custom receiver image , other 1 default notification os without image , notification not removing notification bar, if removing it, coming again , again on notification tray. paste code snippet , images below well.

// custom receiver class  public class custompushreceiver extends parsepushbroadcastreceiver {     private final string tag = custompushreceiver.class.getsimplename();      private notificationutils notificationutils;      private intent parseintent;      public custompushreceiver() {         super();     }      @override      public void onreceive(context context, intent intent) {         super.onpushreceive(context, intent);          if (intent == null)             return;             parseintent = intent;         try {             string action = intent.getaction();             jsonobject json = new jsonobject(intent.getextras().getstring(""));             if (action.equalsignorecase("com.parse.push.intent.receive")) { //                notification_id++;                 string title = "dw";                 if (json.has("alert"))                 {                     string text = json.getstring("alert");                     generatenotification(context, title, json, text,parseintent);                 }             }         } catch (jsonexception e) {         }  }      @override     protected void onpushdismiss(context context, intent intent) {         super.onpushdismiss(context, intent);     }      @override     protected void onpushopen(context context, intent intent) {         super.onpushopen(context, intent);     }     private void generatenotification(context context, string title, jsonobject json, string text, intent intent) { //        intent intent = new intent(context, home.class);         intent.setflags(intent.flag_activity_new_task | intent.flag_activity_clear_task);         pendingintent contentintent = pendingintent.getactivity(context, 0, intent, pendingintent.flag_one_shot);          notificationmanager mnotifm = (notificationmanager) context.getsystemservice(context.notification_service); mbuilder =                 new notificationcompat.builder(context)                         .setsmallicon(r.drawable.log_pic_small)                         .setlargeicon(bitmapfactory.decoderesource(context.getresources(), r.drawable.log_pic))                         .setautocancel(true)                         .setcontenttitle(title)                         .setcontenttext(text)                         .setstyle(new notificationcompat.bigtextstyle().bigtext(text))                         .setticker(text)                         .setlights(, 500, 500);         mnotifm.cancel(0);         mbuilder.setcontentintent(contentintent);         mnotifm.notify(110,;     } } 

manifest file

<service android:name="com.parse.pushservice" />          <receiver             android:name=""             android:exported="false">             <intent-filter>                 <action android:name="android.intent.action.boot_completed" />                 <action android:name="android.intent.action.user_present" />                 <action android:name="com.parse.push.intent.receive" />                 <action android:name="com.parse.push.intent.delete" />                 <action android:name="" />             </intent-filter>         </receiver>         <receiver             android:name="com.parse.gcmbroadcastreceiver"             android:permission="">             <intent-filter>                 <action android:name="" />                 <action android:name="" />                  <!-- important: change "info.androidhive.parsenotifications" match app's package name. -->                 <category android:name="com.dw" />             </intent-filter>         </receiver> 

enter image description here

i think problem generated method super.onpushreceive(context, intent); in public void onreceive(context context, intent intent).

i think should override protected void onpushreceive(context context,intent intent) , handle push notification there. note: not call super if override onpushreceive because display again push.

as per parse documentation:

called when push notification received. default, broadcast intent sent if "action" present in data , notification show if "alert" , "title" present in data.


public class custompushreceiver extends parsepushbroadcastreceiver { ..... init code here exaple....

@override public void onreceive(context context, intent intent) {   super.onreceive(context context, intent intent); } @override public void onpushreceive(context context, intent intent) {     //no super call   ....exact code onreceive..... } ... rest of code example... 


i think can handle here.


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