Docker-machine and Openstack / SSH -

i have problem docker-machine , openstack

running command docker-machine --debug create -d openstack --openstack-username admin --openstack-password admin --openstack-tenant-name admin --openstack-auth-url --openstack-flavor-id bea5cb42-c0b3-46fd-96a6-2f4c5d4448c2 --openstack-image-id 871a5ddf-a888-4b45-9201-78da07e6cdcb testmachine

gives me output follow

docker machine version:  0.6.0, build e27fb87 found binary path  @ /usr/local/bin/docker-machine launching plugin server driver openstack plugin server listening @ address () calling .getversion using api version  1 () calling .setconfigraw () calling .getmachinename (flag-lookup) calling .getmachinename (flag-lookup) calling .drivername (flag-lookup) calling .getcreateflags found binary path @ /usr/local/bin/docker-machine launching plugin server driver openstack plugin server listening @ address () calling .getversion using api version  1 () calling .setconfigraw () calling .getmachinename (testmachine) calling .getmachinename (testmachine) calling .drivername (testmachine) calling .getcreateflags (testmachine) calling .setconfigfromflags running pre-create checks... (testmachine) calling .precreatecheck (testmachine) calling .getconfigraw creating machine... (testmachine) calling .create (testmachine) dbg | authenticating... map[insecure:false domainid: domainname: username:admin tenantname:admin tenantid: authurl:] (testmachine) dbg | found tenant id using name map[name:admin id:3247c97c6abf4c07aee78043a1caa261] (testmachine) dbg | creating key pair... map[name:testmachine-5f792f35e57c8749b3a39074cc230831a6902250f91c7f76fb30299ad00713be] (testmachine) creating machine... (testmachine) dbg | creating openstack instance... map[flavorid:bea5cb42-c0b3-46fd-96a6-2f4c5d4448c2 imageid:871a5ddf-a888-4b45-9201-78da07e6cdcb] (testmachine) dbg | waiting openstack instance active... map[machineid:3184e817-07d2-47af-9cb7-06634cebcc0a] (testmachine) dbg | looking ip address... map[machineid:3184e817-07d2-47af-9cb7-06634cebcc0a] (testmachine) calling .getconfigraw (testmachine) calling .drivername (testmachine) calling .drivername waiting machine running, may take few minutes... (testmachine) calling .getstate (testmachine) dbg | ip address found map[ip: machineid:3184e817-07d2-47af-9cb7-06634cebcc0a] (testmachine) dbg | status openstack instance... map[machineid:3184e817-07d2-47af-9cb7-06634cebcc0a] (testmachine) dbg | state openstack instance map[machineid:3184e817-07d2-47af-9cb7-06634cebcc0a state:active] detecting operating system of created instance... waiting ssh available... getting waitforssh function... (testmachine) calling .getsshhostname (testmachine) calling .getsshport (testmachine) calling .getsshkeypath (testmachine) calling .getsshkeypath (testmachine) calling .getsshusername using ssh client type: external {[-o batchmode=yes -o passwordauthentication=no -o stricthostkeychecking=no -o userknownhostsfile=/dev/null -o loglevel=quiet -o connectionattempts=3 -o connecttimeout=10 -o controlmaster=no -o controlpath=none root@ -o identitiesonly=yes -i /home/martin/.docker/machine/machines/testmachine/id_rsa -p 22] /usr/bin/ssh} run ssh command: exit 0 ssh cmd err, output: exit status 255:  error getting ssh command 'exit 0' : went wrong running ssh command! command : exit 0 err     : exit status 255 output  :   getting waitforssh function... (testmachine) calling .getsshhostname (testmachine) calling .getsshport (testmachine) calling .getsshkeypath (testmachine) calling .getsshkeypath (testmachine) calling .getsshusername using ssh client type: external {[-o batchmode=yes -o passwordauthentication=no -o stricthostkeychecking=no -o userknownhostsfile=/dev/null -o loglevel=quiet -o connectionattempts=3 -o connecttimeout=10 -o controlmaster=no -o controlpath=none root@ -o identitiesonly=yes -i /home/martin/.docker/machine/machines/testmachine/id_rsa -p 22] /usr/bin/ssh} run ssh command: exit 0 

then when trying run docker-machine ls

testmachine - openstack running tcp:// unknown unable query docker version: unable read tls config: open /home/martin/.docker/machine/machines/testmachine/server.pem: no such file or directory

logs in openstack machine :

open-vm-tools: not starting not vmware vm landscape-client not configured, please run landscape-config. * stopping cpu interrupts balancing daemon[74g[ ok ] * starting automatic crash report generation[74g[ ok ] * restoring resolver state...       [80g [74g[ ok ] * stopping system v runlevel compatibility[74g[ ok ] generating locales... en_us.utf-8... up-to-date generation complete. cloud-init v. 0.7.5 running 'modules:final' @ tue, 03 may 2016 11:45:45 +0000. 10.17 seconds. ci-info: +++++authorized keys /home/ubuntu/.ssh/authorized_keys user ubuntu++++++ ci-info: +---------+-------------------------------------------------+---------+---------+ ci-info: | keytype |                fingerprint (md5)                | options | comment | ci-info: +---------+-------------------------------------------------+---------+---------+ ci-info: | ssh-rsa | fe:05:1e:f2:04:c4:df:4f:53:f2:4f:c3:ba:ac:10:51 |    -    |    -    | ci-info: +---------+-------------------------------------------------+---------+---------+ ec2:  ec2: ############################################################# ec2: -----begin ssh host key fingerprints----- ec2: 1024 46:c0:bb:6c:65:04:13:fc:ab:2b:51:4f:1c:1e:75:dc  root@testmachine (dsa) ec2: 256 81:cd:f3:dd:66:7a:ca:4e:95:78:43:a7:dc:29:ad:fd  root@testmachine (ecdsa) ec2: 256 f5:d9:c7:59:92:af:fc:b7:56:42:ca:1e:f7:bb:5b:89  root@testmachine (ed25519) ec2: 2048 6e:2d:1b:52:84:3f:28:04:95:41:81:15:af:61:e5:96  root@testmachine (rsa) ec2: -----end ssh host key fingerprints----- ec2: ############################################################# -----begin ssh host key keys----- ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 aaaae2vjzhnhlxnoytitbmlzdhayntyaaaaibmlzdhayntyaaabbbffel02heegh7vohftts1bxa7laiua/f+j0uvi1u3j8fytfzuvzqhl73qabte6uj7eutaodhnceeywf+slqmuli= root@testmachine ssh-ed25519 aaaac3nzac1lzdi1nte5aaaaigmcm55oskblj//oucnqmqb2oo7bg2vxa0fhhehloqba root@testmachine ssh-rsa aaaab3nzac1yc2eaaaadaqabaaabaqdc3vqu3v9of956gd0dhcc5yebkbzogoazvrifxx31i2ww3z5vnw+bgzlorhb8zj2tbn70l7cpkcn3/orklzldhosk4u0+0buqharqqp+/jbmr5axn6hlcrvplu+km1qfovjuwwuttelab0vs9yzwclicodlp9a4mvocficbxopvz7bt5mmlvbnznn3iwnian4amjcrxwuugrutxno9ffrms6gc4wvazud42cd34g4fulpf1dqlinau5brqrnbru8vhixe+dhxqo4wmmulsyokfvdxhrrokwnps9rb1hhhd+voh7itwkewszcptsysrxyvng8jzzhbdq94srou3d58z root@testmachine -----end ssh host key keys----- cloud-init v. 0.7.5 finished @ tue, 03 may 2016 11:45:46 +0000. datasource datasourceconfigdrivenet [net,ver=2][source=/dev/sr0].  10.27 seconds  ubuntu 14.04.4 lts testmachine ttys0  testmachine login:  

i precise ports 22, 80 , 2376 open on machine on openstack.

thanks, if me, nice

tl;dr try adding following options:

  • --openstack-net-id or --openstack-net-name
  • --openstack-floatingip-pool
  • --openstack-sec-groups

original answer:

i same thing when running docker-machine 0.6.0 openstack driver. v0.7.0 (build a650a40) works fine me. i'm running centos image not ubuntu, otherwise same. sorry, i've not used docker-machine in while try grabbing latest release , see if helps.


just double-checked ran above, configured environment variables, specifying few things additional yours above. though, in addition openstack rc file, set:

export os_ssh_user=centos export os_image_id=c31637b9-455a-4849-8f46-2af1715f9dee export os_flavor_name=m1.small export os_floatingip_pool=internal-network export os_security_groups=default export os_network_id=b32e2700-8eac-4b7c-b9a8-16b6403927a2 

and ran:

docker-machine create -d=openstack testmachine 


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