mongodb - MotorEngine - How to represent the equivalent of the foreign key in model? -

in mongodb have document represents balance has stakeholder's id field.

i need relate these 2 classes, balance , stakeholder, don't know what's proper way. i've seen there's field appropiate still don't understand it: embeddeddocumentfield()

class balance(document):     id = uuidfield()     creation_date = datetimefield(auto_now_on_insert=true)     gross_balance = floatfield(required=true, min_value=0, default=0)     balances_description = stringfield(required=true, max_length=255)     stake_holder = #fk stakeholder  class stakeholder(document):     ... 

any idea?

if stakeholder represents document other collection , stake_holder objectid, should use referencefield()

stake_holder = referencefield(reference_document_type=stakeholder)


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