php - Meaning of the ?act=Submit -

this question has answer here:

$("#fm-form").attr("action", "<?php print $this->url; ?>index.php/general/geography/?act=submit"); 

here fm-form form id , line of code .phtml file(zend-framework)

can explain me "?act=submit"

this method. get associative array of variables passed current script via url parameters.


the method sends encoded user information appended page request. page , encoded information separated ? character.

for example

we have url


  1. the method produces long string appears in server logs, in browser's location: box.

  2. the method restricted send upto 1024 characters only.

  3. never use method if have password or other sensitive information sent server.

  4. get can't used send binary data, images or word documents, server.

  5. the data sent method can accessed using query_string environment variable.

  6. the php provides $_get associative array access sent information using method.


update 1

in situation, ?act=submit technique check form submitting or not.


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