c++ - Which algorithm is used to train/predict Opencv LBPH face recognizer? -

i couldn't understand how training stage , predition stage working.İs using algorithm svm or k-nearestneighbour after finding lbph features?

if check: https://github.com/itseez/opencv_contrib/blob/master/modules/face/src/lbph_faces.cpp see use 1-nearest neighbour, excerpt detect function:

// find 1-nearest neighbor collector->init((int)_histograms.size(), state); (size_t sampleidx = 0; sampleidx < _histograms.size(); sampleidx++) {     double dist = comparehist(_histograms[sampleidx], query, histcmp_chisqr_alt);     int label = _labels.at<int>((int)sampleidx);     if (!collector->collect(label, dist, state))return; } 

a 1-nearest neighbour classifier used since local binary pattern descriptor simple enough. see more in depth explanation paper: "face recognition local binary patterns"

on side note. not implementation/practical question , not belong on forum. suggest using opencv forum.


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