Highcharts stacked column stackLabels do not show when axis is reversed -
i'm having issue stacklabels not show on yaxis when reversed enabled. see fiddle; https://jsfiddle.net/mattscotty/vhv8p77v/2/
$(function () { var chart = new highcharts.chart( { chart: { renderto :'container', type: 'column' }, title: { text: 'stacked bar chart' }, exporting:{enabled:false}, credits:{enabled:false}, xaxis: { type: 'datetime' }, yaxis: { min: 0, max:100, reversed:true, //removing reversed fixes stack labels issue title: { text: null }, stacklabels: { enabled: true, style: { fontweight: 'bold', color: (highcharts.theme && highcharts.theme.textcolor) || 'gray' } } }, plotoptions:{ column:{ stacking:'normal' } }, series: [{ name: 'category i', data: [ [date.utc(2014, 5, 14), 20], [date.utc(2014, 5, 15), 30], [date.utc(2014, 5, 16), 25], [date.utc(2014, 5, 19), 10], [date.utc(2014, 5, 20), 15] ] }, { name: 'category ii', data: [ [date.utc(2014, 5, 14), 25], //[date.utc(2014, 5, 15), 10], [date.utc(2014, 5, 16), 35], [date.utc(2014, 5, 19), 25], [date.utc(2014, 5, 20), 5] ] }, { name: 'category iii', data: [ [date.utc(2014, 5, 14), 10], [date.utc(2014, 5, 15), 20], [date.utc(2014, 5, 16), 35], //[date.utc(2014, 5, 19), 25], [date.utc(2014, 5, 20), 15] ] }] }); });
remove 'reversed' yaxis , see works fine, have work around or suggestion?
thanks in advance.
i looked api documentation (see http://api.highcharts.com/highcharts#yaxis.stacklabels) , found may useful you.
try adding verticalalign: bottom
attribute. push label inside bottom of columns. if wish, can add value y
move them directly under column.
i'm curious why you're choosing display columns way, presentation indicates negative value.
i hope helpful you!
stacklabels: { enabled: true, style: { fontweight: 'bold', color: (highcharts.theme && highcharts.theme.textcolor) || 'gray' }, // verticalalign puts stack labels @ bottom verticalalign: 'bottom', // y value moves label outside stack; // note "15" or higher in fiddle push off chart altogether y: 12 }
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