Xamarin Forms Listview in Scrollview doesn't scroll -

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <contentpage xmlns="http://xamarin.com/schemas/2014/forms"           xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2009/xaml"           x:class="dh.listpage"> <contentpage.content>     <scrollview>         <stacklayout style="{staticresource mainstacklayoutwhenloggedinstyle}">             <frame style="{staticresource framestyle2}">                 <stacklayout>                     <label text="vragenlijsten" style="{staticresource titellabelstyle}" />                 </stacklayout>             </frame>             <frame style="{staticresource framestyle2}">                 <stacklayout>                     <label text="dringende vragen: vul deze vragen meteen in!" style="{staticresource standardlabelstyle}"/>                     <frame style="{staticresource framestyle2}">                         <stacklayout style="{staticresource listviewstacklayoutstyle}" >                             <listview itemtapped="onitemtapped" itemssource="{binding question_lists}" style="{staticresource standardlistviewstyle}">                                 <listview.itemtemplate>                                     <datatemplate>                                         <viewcell>                                             <viewcell.view>                                                 <label text="{binding title}" style="{staticresource standardlabelstyle}" />                                             </viewcell.view>                                         </viewcell>                                     </datatemplate>                                 </listview.itemtemplate>                             </listview>                         </stacklayout>                     </frame>                 </stacklayout>             </frame>         </stacklayout>     </scrollview> </contentpage.content> 

when screen small listview not want scroll. if screen not small listview scroll. can me pls?

never stack listview inside scrollview both implement scrolling on android @ least.


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