google api - JSON response data size issue -
i using discover google analytics platform generate queries in order make callouts ga inside salesforce application. upon creating custom report api query uri generated presents data report in json format.
one example uri looks following:[my gi id] &start-date=[start date]&end-date=[end date[&metrics=ga%3asessions%2cga%3asessionduration&dimensions=ga%3adayssincelastsession%2cga%3acampaign%2cga%3asourcemedium%2cga%3asocialnetwork%2cga%3adimension2&filters=ga%3asessionduration%3e1&access_token=[my access token]
the issue presented data limited 1000 rows max, , not sure how can surpass size view limit.
the google analytics api has field can send called max-results if add
to request paging of 10000 rows. max can set if there more results nextlink returned results can use make more requests additional data.
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