Apply multiple "Where" clauses in one Query SQL SERVER -

i want

i have query :

select   sum(fact.cheques) totalchequeamount, sum(fact.revenusintermediationtodate + fact.cheques ) ytd , sum(fact.revenusintermediationtodate + fact.cheques ) ytdn1, sum(revenusintermediationtodate) totalrevenuintermediationtodate,  acc.becompanycode codecompany, pays, name, acc.accounttypesec accounttype, acc.segmentation segmentation, city, acc.officialgroup officialgroup ,  acc.actualyearbudget budget2016, acc.segmentationressec segmentsecurities  dbo.fact_profit_and_loss fact left outer join dbo.dim_accounts acc  on ( acc.accounts_techkey = fact.fk_account) left outer join dbo.dimtemps time1 on (time1.temps_pk = fact.fk_time) year( = 2016 group acc.becompanycode, , , acc.accounttypesec , acc.segmentation , , acc.officialgroup , acc.actualyearbudget, acc.segmentationressec  

the problem want apply filter year = 2016 column ytd , 1 other filter year = 2015 column ytdn1.

is there possibility define 2 clauses 2 columns in 1 sql query ?

totalchequeamount   ytd         ytdn1               codecompany 0.00                6541.2826   6541.2826           2513 0.00                0.00        0.00                2541 0.00                7350.9433   7350.9433           2547 

use conditional aggregation:

select sum(fact.cheques) totalchequeamount,        sum(case                when year( = 2016                   fact.revenusintermediationtodate + fact.cheques                else 0             end) ytd ,        sum(case                when year( = 2015                   fact.revenusintermediationtodate + fact.cheques                else 0             end) ytdn1,        sum(revenusintermediationtodate) totalrevenuintermediationtodate,            acc.becompanycode codecompany, pays, name,        acc.accounttypesec accounttype,        acc.segmentation segmentation, city,        acc.officialgroup officialgroup ,         acc.actualyearbudget budget2016,        acc.segmentationressec segmentsecurities     dbo.fact_profit_and_loss fact left outer join dbo.dim_accounts acc      on ( acc.accounts_techkey = fact.fk_account) left outer join dbo.dimtemps time1 on (time1.temps_pk = fact.fk_time) year( in (2015, 2016) group acc.becompanycode, ,  , acc.accounttypesec ,           acc.segmentation , ,           acc.officialgroup , acc.actualyearbudget,           acc.segmentationressec  

field ytd of above query returns result year 2016, wheras field ytdn1 returns result year 2015. other fields sum return total both years.


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