bind array data to view model- knockout.js -
the view model has observable array simplesearchresultsarray gets filled on click of bind data 1 button. applying binding @ document load. when click on button, view model gets updated, not view.
here view code:
<table> <thead id="resulttableheader"> <tr style="text-align: center" data-bind="foreach: columns"> <th style="text-align: center; height: 23px;" data-bind="visible: checked, text: header"> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody id="resulttablebody" data-bind="foreach: simplesearchresultsarray"> <tr> <td style="text-align: center; vertical-align: middle;"> <span data-bind="text: $index()+1"></span> </td> <td style="text-align: center; vertical-align: middle;"> <span data-bind="text: jobname"></span> </td> <td style="text-align: center; vertical-align: middle;"> <span data-bind="text:qname"></span> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <button id="binddata1">bind data 1</button> <button id="binddata2">bind data 2</button>
the view model code:
function simplesearchresults() { var self = this; self.index = ko.observable(); self.jobname = ko.observable(); self.qname = ko.observable(); }; function quotesimplesearchvm() { var self = this; self.simplesearchresultsarray = ko.observablearray([]); self.gridoptions = { columns: [{ header: 'index', datamember: 'index', checked: ko.observable(true) }, { header: 'job name', datamember: 'jobname', checked: ko.observable(true) }, { header: 'quote name', datamember: 'qname', checked: ko.observable(true) }] }; = function (num) { var temparray = []; // data1 , data2 consider info service var data1= [{jobname: 'a', documentname: 'quote1'},{jobname: 'b', documentname: 'quote2'}]; (var k = 0; k < data1.length; k = k + 1) { var temp = new simplesearchresults(); temp.index = k + 1; temp.jobname = data1[k].jobname; temp.qname = data1[k].documentname; temparray.push(temp); } self.simplesearchresultsarray = ko.observablearray([]); self.simplesearchresultsarray = ko.observable(temparray); alert("1"); } self.updatedata = function() { var temparray=[]; var data2= [{jobname: 'c', documentname: 'quote2'},{jobname: 'd', documentname: 'quote4'}]; (var k = 0; k < data2.length; k = k + 1) { var temp = new simplesearchresults(); temp.index = k + 1; temp.jobname = data2[k].jobname; temp.qname = data2[k].documentname; temparray.push(temp); } self.simplesearchresultsarray = ko.observablearray([]); self.simplesearchresultsarray = ko.observable(temparray); alert(2); }; }; var quotesimplesearchvmobj; $(document).ready(function () { quotesimplesearchvmobj = new quotesimplesearchvm(); ko.applybindings(quotesimplesearchvmobj.gridoptions, document.getelementbyid("resulttableheader")); ko.applybindings(quotesimplesearchvmobj, document.getelementbyid("resulttablebody")); $("#binddata1").click(function(){; }); $("#binddata2").click(function(){ quotesimplesearchvmobj.updatedata(); }); });
how make view update on click of bind data 1 button , bind data 2 button?
wrap whole html div.
and modify js :
$(document).ready(function () { quotesimplesearchvmobj = new quotesimplesearchvm(); ko.applybindings(quotesimplesearchvmobj, document.getelementbyid("mydiv")); });
and html way :
<div id="mydiv"> <table> <thead id="resulttableheader" data-bind="with: gridoptions"> ... </table> <button data-bind="click: search">bind data 1</button> <button data-bind="click: updatedata">bind data 2</button> </div>
see your other question refresh issue, , replace :
self.simplesearchresultsarray = ko.observablearray([]); self.simplesearchresultsarray = ko.observable(temparray);
by :
i hope helps.
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