cross domain - Access-Control-Allow-Origin not working for image extensions in Nginx -

i have configuration in nginx add cross-origin , its working fine, header allow-origin present in response headers:

location ~* \.(woff|woff2|oft|eot|ttf)$ {         add_header cache-control "max-age=1604800";         add_header access-control-allow-origin '*';         log_not_found off; } 

but when try same image extensions not working, no allow-origin header in response headers:

location \.(ico|gif|jpg|jpeg|png|flv|pdf|thumb)$ {         add_header cache-control "max-age=29030400";         add_header access-control-allow-origin '*';         log_not_found off; } 

why not working images?

i using regular expression "." without regular expression prefix "~" or "~*".


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