Using angularjs route how can I get a scope value into another controller? -

i have project single page using angular js route. in first controller have $scope value.the same value have use in other controller

here controller.js file

var module = angular.module("sampleapp", ['ngroute']);      module.config(['$routeprovider',         function($routeprovider) {             $routeprovider.                 when('/route1', {                     templateurl: 'http://localhost/myfirstapp/welcome',                     controller: 'routecontroller1'                 }).                 when('/route2', {                     templateurl: 'http://localhost/myfirstapp/result',                     controller: 'routecontroller2'                 }).                 otherwise({                     redirectto: '/'                 });         }]);      module.controller("routecontroller1", function($scope)      {        $scope.value="athira"        })     module.controller("routecontroller2", function($scope) {      $scope.text=$scope.value + "sandeep"      }) 

in result page should show 'athira sandeep'

thank kind of help

use service share data among controllers . option event emitters not fan because populates rootscope (in case) lot of events.

what it

angular.module('app',[]) .factory('sharedscope',function(){ var fac = this; var scope = ""; var sharedscope = { getscope : function(){ return fac.scope; }, setscope: function(scope){ fac.scope = scope } }; return sharedscope; }) .controller('ctrl1',function('sharedscope'){ sharedscope.setscope("angular"); }) .controller('ctrl2',function('sharedscope'){ var data = sharedscope.getscope(); $scope.text = data + " awesome"; //would angular awesome }); 

hope helps.


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