Using a groovy class in other jenkins groovy scripts -

i have 4 groovy scripts (2 dsl.groovy scripts):


class jobconfig {     final name      jobconfig(map) {         name = map['name']     } } 


import jobconfig.*  def dosmthwithjobconfig(final jobconfig config) {     println(; } 


groovyshell shell = new groovyshell() def toplevelscript = shell.parse(new file("toplevel.groovy"))  def jobconfigs = [     new jobconfig(name: 'jenkinstestdsls'),     new jobconfig(name: 'jenkinstestdsls2') ]  jobconfigs.each {     toplevelscript.dosmthwithjobconfig(it); } 


groovyshell shell = new groovyshell() def toplevelscript = shell.parse(new file("toplevel.groovy"))  def jobconfigs = [     new jobconfig(name: 'jenkinstestdsls3'),     new jobconfig(name: 'jenkinstestdsls4') ]  jobconfigs.each {     toplevelscript.dosmthwithjobconfig(it); } 

now if locally do:

groovyc jobconfig.groovy 

,i no issues running scripts locally.

but on jenkins if provide jobconfig.class @ same place these scripts are, can't running. read here don't need compiling long jobconfig.groovy on classpath. how do jenkins? or there solution?

if don't want compile groovy class(es) , add compiled classes classpath, can make use of classes within groovy scripts this:

given groovy class

class groovyclass {     def groovyclass(someparameter) {}      def amethod() {} } 

you can use class in groovy script this

import hudson.model.* import; import jenkins.model.jenkins;  def jenkinsrootdir = build.getenvvars()["jenkins_home"]; def parent = getclass().getclassloader() def loader = new groovyclassloader(parent)  def someparametervalue = "abc"  def groovyclass = loader.parseclass(new file(jenkinsrootdir + "/usercontent/groovyscripts/groovyclass.groovy")).newinstance(someparametervalue)  groovyclass.amethod() 


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