Laravel ServerException in RequestException.php when receiving simple JSON request -

i'm using laravel 5 framework communicate manufacturer, , i'm struggling in receiving callback:

here routes (set them both, test):

route::post('/callback', 'printcontroller@callback'); route::get('/callback', 'printcontroller@callback'); 

and simple method in controller:

public function callback(request $request) {     var_dump( $request );     //storage::put('request.txt', $request); } 

it works fine, if open site manually ( meaning, dump request , later create request file ) , when call like this:

/**  * test callback option  */ public function testcallback() {     $callback_url = '';      // prepare response     $response = array(         'time' => -microtime(true),     );      $data = [         "id" => 907,         "current_state" => "shipped",         "merchant_sku" => "bst123",         "ordered_on_date" => "2015-08-16t00:00:00+0200",         "ship_by_date" => "2015-08-21t00:00:00+0200",         "shipping_carrier" => "usps",         "shipping_tracking" => "9499907123456123456781",     ];      try {         $result = guzzle::post($callback_url, [             'verify' => false,             'headers' => [                 'content-type' => 'application/json',             ],             'json' => $data,         ]);         $body = json_decode($result->getbody(), true);          // fill response         if ($body['success'] == true) {             $response['success'] = true;             $response['order_id'] = $body['work_order_id'];         } else {             $response['success'] = false;         }     } catch (exception $e) {         // set error         $response['success'] = false;         $response['message'] = $e->getmessage();     }      // save execution time     $response['time'] += microtime(true);     $response['time'] = round(abs($response['time']), 4);      return $response; } 

i error message:

serverexception in requestexception.php line 107: server error: `post` resulted in `500 internal server error` response: <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow" /> <style> (truncated...) 

edit: errorlike message in php_error.log is:

[09-may-2016 12:24:20 utc] php deprecated:  automatically populating $http_raw_post_data deprecated , removed in future version. avoid warning set 'always_populate_raw_post_data' '-1' in php.ini , use php://input stream instead. in unknown on line 0 

any ideas i'm doing wrong and/or how debug , fix this?

by way: communication happens between 2 laravel frameworks in save machine, meaning, it's sending request

edit: found in laravel error log when receiveing post. works find get.

[2016-05-09 15:21:25] local.error: exception 'illuminate\session\tokenmismatchexception' in d:\\vendor\laravel\framework\src\illuminate\foundation\http\middleware\verifycsrftoken.php:67 

why laravel care this, since i'm sending request 'verify' => false ?

i solved it. moved routes outside middleware, doesn't require token validation:

route::post('/callback', 'printcontroller@callback'); route::get('/callback', 'printcontroller@callback');  route::group(['middleware' => ['web']], function () {     ... } 

just in case else has same problem: middleware not required here, since manufacturer doesn't use same session , can't provide token required.


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