upload - PHP downloading files has been corrupted(While downloading from ftp server) -

i have problem in downloading file(php)from particular folder.

when download , open file says file corrupted.

when check size of uploaded file , downloaded file same , zip file size differs.

no files opening.

can 1 wrong???

if (isset($_get['file']) && basename($_get['file']) == $_get['file']) {   $filename = $_get['file']; }  else {   $filename = null; }  $err = 'sorry, file requesting unavailable.'; if (!$filename) { // if variable $filename null or false display message   echo $err; }  else  { // define path download folder plus assign file name   $path = '/public_html/wp-content/uploads/'.$filename; // check file exists , readable   if (file_exists($path) && is_readable($path)) { // file size , send http headers     $size = filesize($path);     header ("cache-control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0");     header('content-type: application/octet-stream');     header('content-length: '.$size);     header('content-disposition: attachment;filename="'.basename($filename).'"');     header('content-transfer-encoding: binary'); // open file in binary read-only mode // display error messages if file can´t opened     $file = @ fopen($path, 'rb');     if ($file) { // stream file , exit script when complete       fpassthru($file);       exit;     } else {       echo $err;     }   } else {     echo $err;   }    exit;  } 

inserting table:

 echo "<tr><td><a href='?file=" . $row["fileupname"]. "'>".$row["fileupname"]."</td></tr>"; 

i happy file getting downloaded not getting opened.

.txt file getting opened.

had checked header also.

i have tried putting:

ob_clean(); flush(); readfile($file); 

if (file_exists($path)) {                  header('content-description: file transfer');                 header('content-type: application/octet-stream');                 header('content-disposition: attachment; filename=' . basename($path));                 header('content-transfer-encoding: binary');                 header('expires: 0');                 header('cache-control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0');                 header('pragma: public');                 header('content-length: ' . filesize($path));                 ob_clean();                 flush();                 readfile($path);                 exit;             } 


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