entity framework - Cannot Find ASP.NET Identity Tables in Database -

i created database using using ef code-first migrations approach. when ran application registered user , expected identity tables added database created couldn't find tables. checked connection string sure rightly set. please have missed out? please help.

edit: code context.

public class appdatacontext : dbcontext {     public appdatacontext()         : base("appconnection")     { }      public dbset<appuser> appusers { get; set; }      public dbset<attendance> attendances { get; set; }      public dbset<classinfo> classes { get; set; }      public dbset<enrollment> enrollments { get; set; }      public dbset<messageboard> messageboards { get; set; }      public dbset<notification> notifications { get; set; }      public dbset<notification_user> usernotifications { get; set; }      public dbset<notificationtype> notificationtypes { get; set; }      public dbset<parent> parents { get; set; }      public dbset<parentsubscription> parentsubscriptions { get; set; }      public dbset<privatemessage> privatemessages { get; set; }      public dbset<school> schools { get; set; }      public dbset<sessionperiod> sessionperiods { get; set; }      public dbset<setting> settings { get; set; }      public dbset<student> students { get; set; }      public dbset<subject> subjects { get; set; }      public dbset<teacher> teachers { get; set; }      public dbset<teacherschool> teacherschools { get; set; }      public dbset<term> terms { get; set; }      public dbset<work> works { get; set; }      public dbset<worktype> worktypes { get; set; }      #region override methods      protected override void onmodelcreating(dbmodelbuilder modelbuilder)     {         modelbuilder.conventions.remove<pluralizingtablenameconvention>();          modelbuilder.entity<subject>()         .hasmany(c => c.teachers).withmany(i => i.subjects)         .map(t => t.mapleftkey("subjectid")         .maprightkey("teacherid")         .totable("subjectteacher"));          modelbuilder.entity<classinfo>()             .hasmany(s => s.subjects).withmany(c => c.classes)             .map(u => u.mapleftkey("classinfoid").maprightkey("subjectid").totable("classsubject"));          //modelbuilder.entity<department>().maptostoredprocedures();          modelbuilder.conventions.remove<onetomanycascadedeleteconvention>();          //modelbuilder.entity<classinfo>()         //    .property(f => f.dateadded)         //    .hascolumntype("datetime2");     }      #endregion } 

when registered user :

  1. refresh project
  2. show files

you find:

enter image description here

enter image description here



public class applicationdbcontext : identitydbcontext<applicationuser> {     public applicationdbcontext()         //: base("defaultconnection", throwifv1schema: false)         : base("appconnection", throwifv1schema: false)     {     }      public static applicationdbcontext create()     {         return new applicationdbcontext();     } }  public class appdatacontext : dbcontext {     public appdatacontext()         : base("appconnection")     { }   } 


 <connectionstrings>       <add name="appconnection" connectionstring="data source=.; initial catalog=sis_db;integrated security=sspi;" providername="system.data.sqlclient" />   </connectionstrings> 


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