c# - How to react to a onlick in an ultragrid -

i have code creates ultragrid column has columnstyle.button it's style.

   private void grid_initializelayout(object sender, initializelayouteventargs e){         grid.resetemptyselectedappearance();          var column =  grid.setcolumn("draw lines", "draw lines", 30);         column.style = columnstyle.button;          grid.hideothercolumns();     } 

now make react being clicked on. have found this not show me how bind variable, can either double click in visual studio editor (but in case directs me grid_initializelayout) or can go the item in question , add function onclick variable, 1 doesn't exist.

private void grid_initializerow(object sender, initializeroweventargs e)         var buttoncell= e.row.cells["draw lines"];         //something here? 

this want call

   private void ondrawline(object sender, infragistics.win.ultrawingrid.celleventargs e)     {         debug.print("test test");     } 

it's trivial i'm stuck.

the ultragrid responds clicks on cell button explained in link posted using event called clickcellbutton. need subscribe grid event in usual ways. (designer or code doesn't matter)

private void grid_clickcellbutton(object sender, clickcelleventargs e) {     // check if click happens on required column     if (e.cell.column.key == "draw lines")     {         ... code ...     } } 


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