c# - How to react to a onlick in an ultragrid -
i have code creates ultragrid column has columnstyle.button
it's style.
private void grid_initializelayout(object sender, initializelayouteventargs e){ grid.resetemptyselectedappearance(); var column = grid.setcolumn("draw lines", "draw lines", 30); column.style = columnstyle.button; grid.hideothercolumns(); }
now make react being clicked on. have found this not show me how bind variable, can either double click in visual studio editor (but in case directs me grid_initializelayout
) or can go the item in question , add function onclick
variable, 1 doesn't exist.
private void grid_initializerow(object sender, initializeroweventargs e) var buttoncell= e.row.cells["draw lines"]; //something here?
this want call
private void ondrawline(object sender, infragistics.win.ultrawingrid.celleventargs e) { debug.print("test test"); }
it's trivial i'm stuck.
the ultragrid
responds clicks on cell button explained in link posted using event called clickcellbutton
. need subscribe grid event in usual ways. (designer or code doesn't matter)
private void grid_clickcellbutton(object sender, clickcelleventargs e) { // check if click happens on required column if (e.cell.column.key == "draw lines") { ... code ... } }
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