getting an error while trying to read a csv file in c# -

this code , code seems exiting without printing onto console:

string s_item = "error 500";  var lines = file.readlines("c:/users/lenovo/desktop/probablisitic automata/data/april/april_steady_state.csv");  foreach (string line in lines) {     if (line.contains(s_item))     {         console.writeline(line);     }  } 

i following error :

'read_april_csv.vshost.exe' (clr v4.0.30319: read_april_csv.vshost.exe): loaded 'c:\users\lenovo\documents\visual studio 2015\projects\read_april_csv\read_april_csv\bin\debug\read_april_csv.exe'. symbols loaded. thread 0x2878 has exited code 0 (0x0). thread 0x3ed8 has exited code 0 (0x0). program '[13288] read_april_csv.vshost.exe' has exited code 0 (0x0).


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