php - Apply htmlentities to stripped tags -
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how apply htmlentities selectively? , php function strip tags, except list of whitelisted tags , attributes
they close not expected.
what have tried?
<?php define('charset', 'utf-8'); define('replace_flags', ent_html5); function htmlcleaned($string) { $string = htmlentities($string); return str_replace( array("<i>", "<b>", "</i>", "</b>", "<p>", "</p>"), array("<i>", "<b>", "</i>", "</b>", "<p>", "</p>"), $string); } echo htmlcleaned("<p>how you?</p><p><b>this bold</b></p><p><i>this italic</i></p><p><u>this underline</u></p><p><br></p><ul><li>this list item 1</li><li>this list item 2</li></ul><p><br></p><ol><li>this ordered list item 1</li><li>this ordered list item 2</li></ol><p><a target='_blank' style='color: #1c5c76;' href=''></a></p><p>this plain text again.<br></p><script>alert('attempt csrf');</script><p><p>this p tag example</p></p>"); ?>
what want achieve?
if input is:
then output be:
there no specific blacklist there specific white list.
this function might you, not highly tested. htmlentities on tags except tags specify
function html_entity_decode_matches($matches){ return html_entity_decode($matches[0]); } function htmlentities_exclude($string, $exclude_array){ $string = htmlentities($string); //htmlentities $ent_sl = ">"; //> if (is_array($exclude_array) , !empty($exclude_array)){ foreach($exclude_array $exc){ $exc = str_replace(array("<", ">"), "", $exc); $ent = str_replace("/", "\/", htmlentities("<{$exc}")); $ent_e = str_replace("/", "\/", htmlentities("</{$exc}>")); //do decode on <tag...> $string = preg_replace_callback("/{$ent}(.*?){$ent_sl}/", "html_entity_decode_matches", $string); //do decode on <\tag> $string = preg_replace_callback("/{$ent_e}/", "html_entity_decode_matches", $string); } } return $string; }
echo htmlentities_exclude('<b><script>alert("something");</script></b>', array("<b>")); output: <b><script>alert("something");</script></b>
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