SQL Server : DBMail Stored Procedure -
i novice sql server, , have created stored procedure amalgamation of posts.
here stored procedure - works well, apart fact uses number of days first entry, , doesn't change subsequently, same @numberofdays each email.
alter procedure [dbo].[renewalscheck] declare @companyname nvarchar (50) = null declare @productkey nvarchar (50) = null declare @productname nvarchar (50) = null declare @maintenancestartdate nvarchar (10) = null declare @maintenanceenddate nvarchar (10) = null declare @result nvarchar (10) = null declare @emailed int = null declare @sent nvarchar (10) = null declare @body nvarchar (max) = null declare @subject nvarchar (max) = null declare @salesmanemail nvarchar (max) = null declare @numberofdays nvarchar (5) = null declare @followup int = null declare cemail cursor local fast_forward select [companyname], [product key], [product name], [maintenance start date], [maintenance end date], [emailed], [salesmanemail], [followup ec emailed] dbo.product datediff(d,getdate(),[maintenance end date]) < 15 , [followup ec emailed] = '0' select @numberofdays = datediff(d,getdate(),[maintenance end date]) dbo.product datediff(d,getdate(),[maintenance end date]) < 15 , [followup ec emailed] = '0' open cemail; while 1 = 1 begin fetch next cemail @companyname, @productkey, @productname, @maintenancestartdate ,@maintenanceenddate, @emailed, @salesmanemail; if @@fetch_status = -1 break; set @body = 'the product ' + @productname + ' product key of ' + @productkey + ' expires in ' + @numberofdays + ' days.' set @subject = 'product expiring in ' + @numberofdays + ' @ ' + @companyname execute msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @profile_name='jason', @subject = @subject, @recipients = @salesmanemail, @copy_recipients ='', @body = @body; end update [product] set [followup ec emailed] = '1' datediff(d,getdate(),[maintenance end date]) < 15 , [followup ec emailed] = '0' close cemail; deallocate cemail;
i know of question how it's setup , may have better ways of doing this, new, , working apart 1 tiny section.
any appreciated.
the problem number of days set once outside cursor loop
you can include in cursor query adding case field - like:
select [companyname], [product key], [product name], [maintenance start date], [maintenance end date], [emailed], [salesmanemail], [followup ec emailed], case when datediff(d,getdate(),[maintenance end date]) < 15 , [followup ec emailed] = '0' datediff(d,getdate(),[maintenance end date]) end numberdays dbo.product
you need add assignment @numberofdays fetch next
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