php - How a chosen multiselect can be validated with JsValidator in Laravel 5 -

i using chosen convert simple select in multiselect here...

<div class="form-group"> {!! form::label('media_formats', trans('medias::messages.valid_formats'), ['class' => 'control-label']) !!} {!! form::select('media_formats[]', $media_formats, null, ['class' => 'form-control', 'id' => 'media_formats', 'multiple', 'data-chosen']) !!} </div> 

trying validate media_format element has been selected using jsvalidator package...

{!! jsvalidator::formrequest('maravel\media\http\requests\admin\mediaresourcecreaterequest', '#create-edit-form' ) !!} 

and finally, using following rule @ request class...

public function rules() {     return [         ...         'media_formats' => 'required',     ]; } 

the laravel validation bag of errors returns media format error, not being printed anywhere. why? has fact chosen hides select element? tried...

    {!! jsvalidator::formrequest('maravel\media\http\requests\admin\mediaresourcecreaterequest', '#create-edit-form' )->ignore('') !!} 

with no success. or has fact field name media_formats[] , not media_formats?

finally answer in 2 problems suspecting from. doing...

{!! jsvalidator::formrequest('maravel\media\http\requests\admin\mediaresourcecreaterequest', '#create-edit-form' )->ignore('') !!} 

...and if do...

public function rules() {     return [                    ...         'media_formats[]' => 'required',     ]; } 

the error message gets printed because jquery validate looks input name 'media_formats[]' -with brackets-. however, laravel validation not work way , expects name of field without brackets.

so, figured out workaround working. if in request do

public function rules() {     return [                    ...         'media_formats' => 'required|array',     ]; } 

and change view used in jsvalidator , add these lines before rules parameter set...

<?php     foreach($validator['rules'] $i=>$rule){         foreach($rule $j=>$rule_type){             foreach($rule_type $k=>$rule_option){                 if($rule_option[0] == "array") {                     $validator['rules'][$i."[]"] = $validator['rules'][$i];                     unset($validator['rules'][$i]);                 }             }         }     }; ?>  rules: <?php echo json_encode($validator['rules']); ?> 

i able change rules array , concatenate '[]' fields validated arrays jquery validate can find element error should appear.

the view used jsvalidator can changed on jsvalidator config file.

return array(  /*  * default view used render javascript validation code  */ 'view' => 'jsvalidation::custom_bootstrap', 


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