postgresql - SublimeRepl New Repl "No Repl for 'sql' " -

i'm trying set sublime text repl postgres using sublime repl.

i've set new folder in users/packages/sublimerepl/config called postgres , added 2 files:

main.sublime-menu has following content

[      {         "id": "tools",         "children":         [{             "caption": "sublimerepl",             "mnemonic": "r",             "id": "sublimerepl",             "children":             [                 {"command": "repl_open",                   "caption": "psql",                  "id": "repl_psql",                  "mnemonic": "q",                  "args": {                     "type": "subprocess",                     "encoding": {"windows": "$win_cmd_encoding",                                  "linux": "utf-8",                                  "osx": "utf-8"},                     "cmd": {"windows": ["psql.exe", "-a"],                             "linux": ["psql","-u","tahnoon"],                             "osx": ["psql","-u","tahnoon"]},                     "cwd": "$file_path",                     "cmd_postfix": "\n",                      "env": {},                     "suppress_echo": false,                      "syntax": "packages/sql/sql.tmlanguage"                     }                 }             ]            }]     } ] 

and default.sublime-commands has following content

[     {         "caption": "sublimerepl: psql",         "command": "run_existing_window_command", "args":         {             "id": "repl_psql",             "file": "config/postgres/main.sublime-menu"         }     } ] 

if launch repl , try , eval file called test.sql ctrl+,f error message cannot find repl 'sql'.

what doing wrong?

discovered following key-value "external_id":"sql" trick:

[      {         "id": "tools",         "children":         [{             "caption": "sublimerepl",             "mnemonic": "r",             "id": "sublimerepl",             "children":             [                 {"command": "repl_open",                   "caption": "psql",                  "id": "repl_sql",                  "mnemonic": "q",                  "args": {                     "type": "subprocess",                     "encoding": {"windows": "$win_cmd_encoding",                                  "linux": "utf-8",                                  "osx": "utf-8"},                     "cmd": {"windows": ["psql.exe","-u","tahnoon"],                             "linux": ["psql","-u","tahnoon"],                             "osx": ["psql","-u","tahnoon"]},                     "cwd": "$file_path",                     "cmd_postfix": "\n",                      "cwd": "$file_path",                     "external_id": "sql",                     "suppress_echo": false,                      "syntax": "packages/sql/sql.tmlanguage"                     }                 }             ]            }]     } ] 


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