ssl - Can not log in to Drupal 7 admin after changing to HTTPS. Access Denied and cookie not set -

i can no longer log drupal 7's admin area after adding ssl certificate , forcing https in url.

the website served via http protocol , worked fine. mention if revert http mode, site work expected. however, trying implement https.

additionally, while logging in, have noticed cookie response sent server deleted leading access denied message.

so far, after going through mixed response in internet, have played around session.cookie, $base_url , $cookie_domain variables within settings.php file. haven't found solution yet.

has bumped problem? response highly appreciated.

disable in .httaccess rewritecond %{https} off [or] rewritecond %{http_host} ^www\.example\.com* rewriterule ^(.*)$$1 [l,r=301] 


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