php - Can't find value in select2 ajax loading in yii2 -

i use select2 ajax loading. code link: when enter words field, display data/value, can't automatic select data/value according words enter field. so, select2 select first data/value , display value. what's problem? these codes:


$url = url::to(['/paket/jsonlist']);      $citydesc = empty($model->no_induk) ? '' : penerima::findone($model->no_induk)->nama;      echo $form->field($model, 'no_induk')->widget(select2::classname(), [         'initvaluetext' => $citydesc, // set initial display text         'options' => ['placeholder' => 'search city ...'],         'pluginoptions' => [             'allowclear' => true,             'minimuminputlength' => 1,             'language' => [                 'errorloading' => new jsexpression("function () { return 'waiting results...'; }"),             ],             'ajax' => [                 'url' => $url,                 'datatype' => 'json',                 'data' => new jsexpression('function(params) { return {q:params.term}; }')             ],             'escapemarkup' => new jsexpression('function (markup) { return markup; }'),             'templateresult' => new jsexpression('function(no_induk) { return no_induk.text; }'),             'templateselection' => new jsexpression('function (no_induk) { return; }'),         ],     ]); 

my controller:

public function actionjsonlist($q = null, $id = null)     {         \yii::$app->response->format = \yii\web\response::format_json;         $out = ['results' => ['id' => '', 'text' => '']];          if(!is_null($q))         {             $query = new \yii\db\query;             $mainquery = $query->select('no_induk id, nama text')                                ->from('penerima')                                ->limit(20);             $command = $mainquery->createcommand();             $data = $command->queryall();             $out['results'] = array_values($data);         }         elseif ($id > null)         {             $out['results'] = ['id' => $id, 'text' => \frontend\models\penerima::find($id)->nama];         }         return $out;     } 

could use attribute name , not vars

   echo $form->field($model, 'no_induk')->widget(select2::classname(), [     'initvaluetext' =>'citydesc', // set initial display text 


   echo $form->field($model, 'no_induk')->widget(select2::classname(), [     'initvaluetext' =>$model->citydesc, // set initial display text 


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