python - odoo 8 multiple page navigation controller -
i have created module in odoo 8. purpose of module create page link page. mean @ first main template rendered , there link sub page. works fine till main page. have,, views(default.xml). in value of 'data' : 'views/default.xml'. controller :
@http.route('/test/', auth='public') def index(self, **kw): return http.request.render('test.main',{ 'root':'/test' }) @http.route('/test/sub', auth='public') def sub(self, **kw): return http.request.render('test.sub',{ 'root':'/test' })
in template, u have 2 ids ( namely main , sub )
<openerp> <data> <template id='main'> <div class='body'> test body click go next page : <a t-attr-href = "#{ root }/sub">next page</a> </div> <div class='footer'> test footer </div> </template> <template id='sub' inherit_id="main"> <xpath expr="//div[@class='body']" position="replace"> <div class="page"> replaced data </div> </xpath> </template> </data> </openerp>
now when run code, seeing main page replaced not link. body replaced default. want body should replaced when clicked on link sub page.
i novice in odoo, don't know it.
xpath work after updation of module( not @ time of rending template )
just use t-if in case,like:
< t t-if ="not show_tab"> // original data </t> < t t-if ="show_tab"> // replaced data </t>
render keyword:show_tab
one more thing it's personal suggestion ,don't create 2 controller replacing tab.
a single controller can handle multiple route in odoo .please try follow concept of dry.
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