javascript - Onclick play the song - jPlayer -

i making music site when users enter page called top 50, in page there thumbnails of fifty music , on mouse on shows play button, , when click on button loads music. code of play button is:

<a href="#" id="song_1"><i class="icon-control-play i-2x"></i></a>

and javascript :

$(document).ready(function(){      var myplaylist = new jplayerplaylist({      jplayer: "#jplayer_n",      cssselectorancestor: "#jp_container_n"    }, [      {        title:"pay it",        artist:"oloni",        mp3: "",        oga: "",        poster: "images/m0.jpg"      },      {        title:"lentement",        artist:"miaow",        mp3: "",        oga: "",        poster: "images/onedirection/whatmakesyoubeautiful.jpg"      },      {        title:"partir",        artist:"miaow",        mp3: "",        oga: "",        poster: "images/m0.jpg"      }    ], {      playlistoptions: {        enableremovecontrols: true,        autoplay: false      },      swfpath: "js/jplayer",      supplied: "webmv, ogv, m4v, oga, mp3",      smoothplaybar: true,      keyenabled: true,      audiofullscreen: false    });       $(document).on($.jplayer.event.pause, myplaylist.cssselector.jplayer,  function(){      $('.musicbar').removeclass('animate');      $('.jp-play-me').removeclass('active');      $('.jp-play-me').parent('li').removeclass('active');    });      $(document).on($, myplaylist.cssselector.jplayer,  function(){      $('.musicbar').addclass('animate');    });      $(document).on('click', '.jp-play-me', function(e){      e && e.preventdefault();      var $this = $(;      if (!$'a')) $this = $this.closest('a');        $('.jp-play-me').not($this).removeclass('active');      $('.jp-play-me').parent('li').not($this.parent('li')).removeclass('active');        $this.toggleclass('active');      $this.parent('li').toggleclass('active');      if( !$this.hasclass('active') ){        myplaylist.pause();      }else{        var = math.floor(math.random() * (1 + 7 - 1));;      }          });          // video      $("#jplayer_1").jplayer({      ready: function () {        $(this).jplayer("setmedia", {          title: "big buck bunny",          m4v: "",          ogv: "",          webmv: "",          poster: "images/m41.jpg"        });      },      swfpath: "js",      supplied: "webmv, ogv, m4v",      size: {        width: "100%",        height: "auto",        cssclass: "jp-video-360p"      },      globalvolume: true,      smoothplaybar: true,      keyenabled: true    });    });

there music player fixed in footer:

<footer           class="footer bg-dark">     <div id="jp_container_n">       <div class="jp-type-playlist">         <div id="jplayer_n" class="jp-jplayer hide">        </div>         <div class="jp-gui">           <div class="jp-video-play hide">             <a class="jp-video-play-icon">play</a>           </div> <div class="jp-interface">           <div class="jp-controls">             <div>              <a class="jp-previous">                <i class="icon-control-rewind i-lg">                </i>              </a>            </div>             <div>               <a class="jp-play">                <i class="icon-control-play i-2x">                </i>              </a>               <a class="jp-pause hid">                <i class="icon-control-pause i-2x">                </i>              </a>             </div>             <div>              <a class="jp-next">                <i class="icon-control-forward i-lg">                </i>              </a>            </div>             <div class="hide">              <a class="jp-stop">                <i class="fa fa-stop">                </i>              </a>            </div>             <div>              <a class="" data-toggle="dropdown" data-target="#playlist">                <i class="icon-list">                </i>              </a>            </div>             <div class="jp-progress hidden-xs">               <div class="jp-seek-bar dk">                 <div class="jp-play-bar bg-info">                 </div>                 <div class="jp-title text-lt">                   <ul>                     <li>                    </li>                   </ul>                 </div>               </div>             </div>             <div class="hidden-xs hidden-sm jp-current-time text-xs text-muted"></div>            <div class="hidden-xs hidden-sm jp-duration text-xs text-muted"></div>             <div class="hidden-xs hidden-sm"> <a class="jp-mute" title="mute">              <i class="icon-volume-2">              </i>              </a>               <a class="jp-unmute hid" title="unmute">                <i class="icon-volume-off">                </i>              </a>             </div>             <div class="hidden-xs hidden-sm jp-volume">               <div class="jp-volume-bar dk">                 <div class="jp-volume-bar-value lter">                </div>               </div>             </div>             <div>               <a class="jp-shuffle" title="shuffle">                <i class="icon-shuffle text-muted">                </i>              </a>               <a class="jp-shuffle-off hid" title="shuffle off">                <i class="icon-shuffle text-lt">                </i>              </a>             </div>             <div>               <a class="jp-repeat" title="repeat">                <i class="icon-loop text-muted">                </i>              </a>               <a class="jp-repeat-off hid" title="repeat off">                <i class="icon-loop text-lt">                </i>              </a>             </div>             <div class="hide">               <a class="jp-full-screen" title="full screen">                <i class="fa fa-expand">                </i>              </a>               <a class="jp-restore-screen" title="restore screen">                <i class="fa fa-compress text-lt">                </i>              </a>             </div>           </div>           </div>         </div>         <div class="jp-playlist dropup" id="playlist">           <ul class="dropdown-menu aside-xl dker">             <!-- method           playlist.displayplaylist() uses unordered list -->            <li class="list-group-item">            </li>           </ul>         </div>         <div class="jp-no-solution hide">           <span>update required</span> play media need either update           browser recent version or update           <a href="" target="_blank">flash plugin</a>.         </div>      </div>    </div>  </footer>

when pages load 50 files mentioned in playlist(3 given above). want when users click on play button 1 of music should start. button id song_1

with regards



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