spring - File Upload (multipart) is not working with Zuul Proxy -

i using spring security spring boot , angular js.

in application, every request redirecting gateway app other apps using zuul proxy. file upload module not working in architecture. file upload javascript code below:

if(idprooffile.files.length == 0)     {         $scope.alerts = [                          { type: 'danger', msg: 'no file(s) selected, please browse , select id proof file(s) first.' },                          ];         return;     }     else{          // upload user's files::         //create form data send via post         var formdata = new formdata();          for(var i=0; i< idprooffile.files.length; i++){             if(idprooffile.files[i].size > 31457280) // check each file size should not more 30 mb = 30*1024*1024 bytes             {                 $scope.alerts = [                                  { type: 'danger', msg: 'the size of file: '+ idprooffile.files[i].name +' more 30 mb. max limit of file size 30 mb.'}                                  ];                 return;             }             else{                 var extension = idprooffile.files[i].name.substr(idprooffile.files[i].name.lastindexof('.') + 1).tolowercase();                 //alert(extension);                  if (idprooffile.files[i].name.length > 0)                 {                     if (allowedextensions.indexof(extension) === -1)                      {                         $scope.alerts = [                                          { type: 'danger', msg: 'only pdf files allowed. selected file:- '+ idprooffile.files[i].name +' .'+extension+' file.'}                                          ];                         return;                     }                 }             }              formdata.append("idproof",idprooffile.files[i]);         }          var request = new xmlhttprequest();          request.open('post', 'resource/upload_id_proof/' +$rootscope.loggedinuserprimarykeyid+'/'+$rootscope.loggedinuserid, false);         request.send(formdata); 

the spring security code below:

  @override public void configure(websecurity web) throws exception {     web         .ignoring()             .antmatchers("/update_new_user/**"); }  @override protected void configure(httpsecurity http) throws exception {     http.httpbasic().and().authorizerequests()             //.antmatchers("/index.html", "/", "/login", "/message", "/home")             //.antmatchers("/index.html", "/", "/login", "/message", "/home", "/css", "/font-awesome/**", "/fonts", "/img/**", "/js/**", "/less", "/mail").permitall()             .antmatchers("/index.html", "/", "/css/**", "/font-awesome/**", "/fonts", "/img/**", "/js/**", "/less", "/mail").permitall()             //.antmatchers("/ui/", "/ui/public/js/**", "/ui/js/**").permitall()             .antmatchers("/ui/public/**").hasanyauthority("admin", "superadmin", "owner", "tenant")             .antmatchers("/ui/private/projectadmin/**").hasauthority("admin")             .antmatchers("/ui/private/superadmin/**").hasauthority("superadmin")             .antmatchers("/ui/private/owner/**").hasauthority("owner")             .antmatchers("/ui/private/tenant/**").hasauthority("tenant")             .anyrequest().authenticated()             .and()             .csrf()             .csrftokenrepository(csrftokenrepository()).and()             .addfilterafter(csrfheaderfilter(), csrffilter.class);  }  private filter csrfheaderfilter() {     return new onceperrequestfilter() {         @override         protected void dofilterinternal(httpservletrequest request,                 httpservletresponse response, filterchain filterchain)                         throws servletexception, ioexception {             csrftoken csrf = (csrftoken) request.getattribute(csrftoken.class                     .getname());             if (csrf != null) {                 cookie cookie = webutils.getcookie(request, "xsrf-token");                 string token = csrf.gettoken();                 if (cookie == null || token != null                         && !token.equals(cookie.getvalue())) {                     cookie = new cookie("xsrf-token", token);                     cookie.setpath("/");                     response.addcookie(cookie);                 }             }             filterchain.dofilter(request, response);         }     }; } 

the controller code below:

@requestmapping(value="/upload_id_proof/{userprimarykeyid}/{userid}", method = requestmethod.post) public @responsebody string uploadidproof(     //@requestparam(value = "infoclient") string infoclientstring,     @requestparam(value = "idproof") multipartfile[] idprooffiles,     @pathvariable long userprimarykeyid,     @pathvariable string userid) { 

the request failing @ 'gateway' application while redirecting request 'resource' application. exception @ 'gateway' app below:

**invalid csrf token found localhost:8080/resource/upload_id_proof/40/11** 

detailed logs:

2016-04-29 10:00:05.797 debug 6020 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] o.s.s.web.util.matcher.orrequestmatcher : trying match using ant [pattern='/configprops.']  2016-04-29 10:00:05.797 debug 6020 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] o.s.s.w.u.matcher.antpathrequestmatcher : checking match of request : '/resource/upload_id_proof/40/11'; against '/configprops.'  2016-04-29 10:00:05.797 debug 6020 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] o.s.s.web.util.matcher.orrequestmatcher : trying match using ant [pattern='/configprops/']  2016-04-29 10:00:05.797 debug 6020 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] o.s.s.w.u.matcher.antpathrequestmatcher : checking match of request : '/resource/upload_id_proof/40/11'; against '/configprops/'  2016-04-29 10:00:05.797 debug 6020 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] o.s.s.web.util.matcher.orrequestmatcher : no matches found  2016-04-29 10:00:05.797 debug 6020 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] o.s.security.web.filterchainproxy : /resource/upload_id_proof/40/11 @ position 1 of 13 in additional filter chain; firing filter: 'webasyncmanagerintegrationfilter'  2016-04-29 10:00:05.797 debug 6020 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] o.s.security.web.filterchainproxy : /resource/upload_id_proof/40/11 @ position 2 of 13 in additional filter chain; firing filter: 'securitycontextpersistencefilter'  2016-04-29 10:00:05.800 debug 6020 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] w.c.httpsessionsecuritycontextrepository : obtained valid securitycontext spring_security_context: 'org.springframework.security.core.context.securitycontextimpl@493c907: authentication: org.springframework.security.authentication.usernamepasswordauthenticationtoken@493c907: principal: org.springframework.security.core.userdetails.user@620: username: 11; password: [protected]; enabled: true; accountnonexpired: true; credentialsnonexpired: true; accountnonlocked: true; granted authorities: owner; credentials: [protected]; authenticated: true; details: org.springframework.security.web.authentication.webauthenticationdetails@fffd3270: remoteipaddress: 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1; sessionid: b6cd10df-a20e-49ae-9212-d32e7520db8f; granted authorities: owner'  2016-04-29 10:00:05.800 debug 6020 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] o.s.security.web.filterchainproxy : /resource/upload_id_proof/40/11 @ position 3 of 13 in additional filter chain; firing filter: 'headerwriterfilter'  2016-04-29 10:00:05.800 debug 6020 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] o.s.s.w.header.writers.hstsheaderwriter : not injecting hsts header since did not match requestmatcher org.springframework.security.web.header.writers.hstsheaderwriter$securerequestmatcher@3439c41  2016-04-29 10:00:05.800 debug 6020 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] o.s.security.web.filterchainproxy : /resource/upload_id_proof/40/11 @ position 4 of 13 in additional filter chain; firing filter: 'csrffilter'  2016-04-29 10:00:05.800 debug 6020 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] o.s.security.web.csrf.csrffilter : invalid csrf token found http://localhost:8080/resource/upload_id_proof/40/11  2016-04-29 10:00:05.802 debug 6020 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] s.s.w.c.securitycontextpersistencefilter : securitycontextholder cleared, request processing completed 

please me proceed request further controller successfully.


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