ssl certificate - Spring Dashboard: No entries. Check internet connection? -
in spring tool suite "internet connection" error displaying while opening dashboard of sts. have checked internet connectivity in google chrome, mozilla, working , connecting internet. there no proxy server internet connection, behind firewall.
above configuration set in sts: windows-->preferences-->general-->network connectivity. "active provider" set direct. still error displayed.
one more thing add, sts ide integrated browser can access internet, while dashboard can't.
there no proxy configuration mentioned in maven .m2/settings.xml
when clicked on "getting started guide" here error displayed "suncertpathbuilderexception":
checked in google chrome browser ca certificate existence , found "firewallname ssl ca"(here path cross checked: google chrome browser: customize , control google chrome-->settings-->show advanced settings-->https/ssl-->manage certificates-->trustedrootcertificationauthorities). still error exists:
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