dynamics crm - Control access to Case(incident) in MSCRM 2015 -

we came across scenario need control access case records based on value selected in field.

there 2 users u1 , u2 under business units b1 , b2 respectively. both users having organization level full access on contact , account entities , business unit level full access on case entity.

user u1 created case c1 customer a1 , user u2 created case customer a2. got requirement, users u1 & u2 should having access c2 & c1 respectively. but, since both of them having read access a1 & a2, can still access cases c1 & c2 (which created customers a1 & a2).

so, there way control access cases irrespective of access customers (account & contact)?

it resolve issue if there workaround control access based on field value selected have category field on case.

appreciate if solution this. thanks,


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