records missing when I loop though xml php -

this question has answer here:

apologies if duplicate, see other similar problems, cant mine work.

i have xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <quizzes> <quiz> <title>arithmetic quiz</title> <description> <text>seeing how mathematical quiz works</text> </description>  <grading> <range start="0" end="49"> <grade>f</grade> <rank/> </range> <range start="50" end="60"> <grade>d</grade> <rank/> </range> <range start="60" end="69"> <grade>c</grade> <rank/> </range> <range start="70" end="79"> <grade>b</grade> <rank/> </range> <range start="80" end="100"> <grade>a</grade> <rank/> </range> </grading>  <question type=""> <text>select correct value common difference:2,6,10,14,18,22</text> <option> <text>26</text> <score>5</score> <explanation> <text>correct!</text> </explanation> </option>  <option> <text>18</text> <score>0</score> <explanation> <text>incorrect!</text> </explanation> </option>  <option> <text>10</text> <score>0</score> <explanation> <text>incorrect!</text> </explanation> </option> </question>  </quiz> </quizzes> 

i able loop through , 'score' element, not getting other 'quizzes' echo'ed out.

my code looks this:

$xml=simplexml_load_file("maths.xml"); echo $xml->getname() . "<br>";  foreach($xml->children() $child)    {    echo $child->getname() . ": " . $child . "<br>";    } 

can point me in right direction? think not traversing xml tree deep enough dont know how accomplish this.

you can use xpath() that:

$xml=simplexml_load_file('math.xml'); var_dump($xml->xpath('//score')); 

//score select <score> elements regardless of position in xml tree. i've google beginners article simple xml you: link

an alternative use domdocument:

$doc = new domdocument(); $doc->load('math.xml');  foreach($doc->getelementsbytagname('score') $element) {     echo $element->nodevalue; } 

tutorial: link


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