- I am trying to create a User , all is working , object is getting the data but obj.saveChanges() is not working -
following exception occuring while saving changes
"an exception of type '' occurred in entityframework.dll not handled in user code"
actually should see errors if drill array in visual studio during debug. can catch exception , write out errors logging store or console.
here sample code check field has not been validated.
try { // code... context.savechanges(); } catch (dbentityvalidationexception e) { foreach (var eve in e.entityvalidationerrors) { console.writeline("entity of type \"{0}\" in state \"{1}\" has following validation errors:", eve.entry.entity.gettype().name, eve.entry.state); foreach (var ve in eve.validationerrors) { console.writeline("- property: \"{0}\", error: \"{1}\"", ve.propertyname, ve.errormessage); } } throw; }
collection represents entities couldn't validated successfully, , inner collection validationerrors
per entity list of errors on property level.
these validation messages helpful enough find source of problem.
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