c# - How to use OnSerializing and OnDeserializing attributes? -

i have tried implement auto encryption , decryption in xml, doesn't work, i.e. data not encrypted. reason? code shown below. i'm using xmlserializer class. thanks

[serializable] public class user {     public string _username;     public string _password;     public string[] _roles;      [xmlignore]     public string username     {         { return _username; }         set { _username = value; }     }      [xmlignore]     public string password     {         { return _password; }         set { _password = value; }     }      [xmlignore]     public string[] roles     {         { return _roles; }         set { _roles = value; }     }      [ondeserializingattribute]     internal void decryptpersonaldata(streamingcontext context)     {         _username = crypto.decrypt(_username);         _password = crypto.decrypt(_password);         (int = 0; < _roles.length; i++)         {             _roles[i] = crypto.decrypt(_roles[i]);         }     }      [onserializingattribute]     internal void encryptpersonaldata(streamingcontext context)     {         _username = crypto.encrypt(_username);         _password = crypto.encrypt(_password);         (int = 0; < _roles.length; i++)         {             _roles[i] = crypto.encrypt(_roles[i]);         }     } } 

ondeserializing isn't used xmlserializer....to perform custom serialization xmlserializer, derive it, , handle ixmldeserializationcallback interface.

here 1 suggested workaround (basically create "twin" class returned encrypted data in it's gets, , did unecryption in sets...you wouldn't use "twin" during serialization task...copy across user user2).

or might able use datacontractserializer instead (but restrictive in doesn't support xml attributes, elements in serialized stream).


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