colors - How can I change text colour in sublime text? -

i want color source code want. example, if have code

<script> var x = 1; function yu() {            document.getelementbyid("e").innerhtml = "o"; } </script> 

i want color whole function ( lines 3,4,5), or color line or word. don't want sublime text color every word depending of type of words.

if cant done in sublime text, know other source code editros or ide that?

you can write custom syntax meets criteria , set default syntax filetypes wish affect.

here basic syntax example affects files extension .myextension


save following code @:

%yaml 1.2  ---  name: mycustomsyntax file_extensions: [ myextension ] scope: source.myscopename  contexts:    main:     - match: '\bfunction.*?{'       push: function     - match: '\b<.+?>\b'       scope:    function:     - meta_scope:     - include: braces    braces:     - match: '{'       push: braces     - match: '}'       pop: true 

note: this example meets minimal requirements of code sample provided. need elaborate upon template in order meet actual usage requirements.


sublimetext > official documentation > syntax

sublimetext > unofficial documentation > syntax definitions

use find scopes might want replicate

use open existing sublime-syntax files reference

color schemes
browse included tmtheme files view commonly used scopes.
maximum customization: create own
tmtheme file match syntax & scopes.

you need basic knowledge of regex in order define scope matches.
regexr has excellent
reference section covers of basics, along testing area can try things out learn.


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