python - create row of date while creating superuser -

title = (     ('classroom', 'classroom'),     ('playground', 'playground'),     ('staff room','staff room'), )  class location(models.model):     user = models.foreignkey(user,null=true)     title = models.charfield('incident type', max_length=200,default=title)     parent_location_id = models.charfield('parent location', max_length=100, null=true, blank=true)     is_active = models.booleanfield('is active', default=true)  def location_title(sender, instance, created, **kwargs):             if instance.is_superuser , not instance.location.is_active:          instance.location.is_active=true  post_save.connect(location_title, sender=user) 

i want insert default data database conditions.this should happen while creating superuser via createsuperuser comment.

i don't know possible django,but requirement.i tried above code.i getting error "attributeerror: 'user' object has no attribute 'location' " while creating superuser.

the sample required given below

sample output

try function signal handler:

def location_title(sender, instance, created, **kwargs):     # don't fire on updates.     if not created:         return      # handle new superusers.     if not instance.is_superuser or not instance.is_active:         return      # create `location` entry new superuser.     l = location(  post_save.connect(location_title, sender=user) 

adding choices model field:

django charfield has named argument choices allows give end user list of possible values, , proper validation of them in forms. format of iterable follows <internal_value>, <display_value>. once field has been passed choices argument, can access display value connected it's internal value instance.get_<field_name>_display() method.

the choices iterable this:

class location(models.model):     class title:         classroom = 'classroom'         playground = 'playground'         staff_room = 'staff_room'      title_choices = (         (title.classroom, 'classroom'),         (title.playground, 'playground'),         (title.staff_room, 'staff room'),     )      user = models.foreignkey(user,null=true)     title = models.charfield('incident type', max_length=200,choices=title_choices,default=title.classroom)     parent_location_id = models.charfield('parent location', max_length=100, null=true, blank=true)     is_active = models.booleanfield('is active', default=true) 

the final solution following:

class location(models.model):     class title:         classroom = 'classroom'         playground = 'playground'         staff_room = 'staff_room'      base_location = title.classroom      title_choices = (         (title.classroom, 'classroom'),         (title.playground, 'playground'),         (title.staff_room, 'staff room'),     )      user = models.foreignkey(user,null=true)     title = models.charfield('incident type', max_length=200,choices=title_choices,default=title.classroom)     parent_location_id = models.charfield('parent location', max_length=100, null=true, blank=true)     is_active = models.booleanfield('is active', default=true)   def location_title(sender, instance, created, **kwargs):     # don't fire on updates.     if not created:         return      # handle new superusers.     if not instance.is_superuser or not instance.is_active:         return      # create `location` entry new superuser.     base = location(, title=location.base_location)      value, _ in location.title_choices:         if value == location.base_location:             continue          l = location(, title=value,  post_save.connect(location_title, sender=user) 


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