ios - How to exclude special characters in tesseract? -

i using tesseract , mcr.traineddata read micr numbers cheque. part of cheque want read.

enter image description here

the below part of text has been detected image.

enter image description here

my question is..... **how exclude special characters image? training tesseract special characters option? **

except special characters rest of numbers getting detected.

my code

    let tesseract = g8tesseract()     tesseract.language = "mcr"     tesseract.enginemode = .tesseractonly     tesseract.pagesegmentationmode = .auto     tesseract.maximumrecognitiontime = 60.0     imageview.image = imageview.image?.g8_grayscale()     imageview.image = imageview.image?.g8_blackandwhite()         tesseract.image = imageview.image     tesseract.recognize() 

i created new traineddata file(my.traineddata). trained special characters recognized 'x'. more images use accurate traineddata file. can accordingly manipulate recongized text.


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