javascript - jQuery assign click event handler on page load -
i want assign click handler button in page load function. want handle actual click of button @ later time following code snippet:
$("#finish").off('click').on('click', function () { var sku = $("#productsku").val(); var name = $("#productname").val(); var affiliateid = $("#affiliateid").val(); var errors = ""; var category = null; var defaultname = $('#defaultimgname').val(); if ($("#childcategories_" + categorylevel).length == 0) { category = $("#categorylist").val(); } else if ($("#childcategories_" + categorylevel).val() == 0) { category = null; } else { category = $("#childcategories_" + categorylevel).val(); } if (!sku) { errors += "<li> can not add product without item code</li>"; } if (!name) { errors += "<li> can not add product without name</li>"; } if (!category) { errors += "<li> can not add product without category</li>"; } if (errors != "") { cua({ text: errors, type: 'danger' }) } else { data.formdata = { productname: name, productsku: sku, affiliateid: affiliateid, categoryid: category, defaultimgname: defaultname } data.submit(); } });
how assign click event handler in page load, , trigger actual event of click later on?
reason it's causing errors button unresponsive if image not uploaded, found caused event handling problem.
$(document).ready(function(){ $("#finish").on('click', yourfunctionhere) });
you can put code in seperate function, if want turn off, on again can 1 line of code.
$("#finish").on('click', yourfunctionhere)
to execute function can trigger click (when handler on):
(thanks @putvande reminding)
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